Chapter 33 - You bastard!

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After Zeldris had made sure Melody was being properly taken care of, he left the tavern to go knock some bloody sense into his brother.

And luckily Helbram had already returned so he could look after her AND tell him where Meliodas was. So that was pretty great.

He then walked out of the tavern, activating his demonic powers and creating a pair of jet black wings to fly with.
Dope as fuck but he was just as suave as ever.

I swear to fucking Jesus Christ that I'm gonna beat the SHIT out of you Meliodas! Zeldris internally screamed as he soared over the vast green forest. Brother or not, he was peeved.


He searched for a while until he came across the waterfall that Helbram mentioned and flew down, instantly noticing Meliodas and landing. His sneakers hit the ground with a light thud, notifying Meliodas that he had arrived. Quickly, Zeldris began speed walking over to him, his hand tightly clenched into a fist that was about to get well acquainted with Meliodas' jaw.
When he was about 2 metres away from him, Meliodas turned around and looked at him with empty eyes filled with ancient sorrow and opened his mouth.

"Zel-" He stopped as his younger brothers fist collided with his face, a perfect right hook to the chin, but he deserved this pain. He deserved it ten fold. Zeldris then grabbing him by his collar, pulling him up into the air and glaring at him with deep black eyes.

"HOW COULD YOU HARM YOUR OWN KID!? I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WOULD ALWAYS BE THERE FOR HER!" The black haired Demon screamed, getting ready to do something regretful.
Meliodas braced himself for another right hook, of which never came. "You are vile and repugnant!" Zeldris spat venomously, each word cutting deeper into his already open wound and he violently threw him back down into the dirt.

"I know...I never meant to hurt her, or him...but I- I couldn't control myself." His vision became blurry until he blinked and a tear ran down his cheek. "I'm a monster...she'll never forgive me for this."

"Your right, we're all monsters...BUT HOW THE BLOODY HELL COULD YOU DO THAT TO YOUR PREGNANT 18 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER!?" Meliodas couldn't talk or breath, the pain inside was becoming too much for him to take. But it wasn't like what Zeldris was saying wasn't true.

"I..." Meliodas choked out, breathlessly as he forgot to breath. Zeldris scoffed at his loss of words and turned his back to him.

"Got nothing to say?!"


"Tell her I'm sorry"


Merlin finally finished cleaning and bandaging the girls wounds and finding no sign of objection from her patient as she handed her some pills.

"Remember to take one of these every day for a month, it'll help keep your arm from getting infected." The mage rambled on to the bored looking blonde on the bed. "If that happens then it could have a bad effect on your body." She Lectured, watching Melody's head snap up quickly and looked at her with confusion. "It does sound pretty strange, but the reason for that is simple. Your father came at Helbram with the full intent on killing him, so he was probably using his darkness, plus another kind of attack which I'll talk about in a minute" She answered her nonverbal question and then sat down on the bed, bouncing slightly and then settling. "I noticed that there was a burn mark on your arm." Her expression became serious. "And it was the same kind that gave ban that permanent scar. The black flame of the demon realm known as Hell fire."

"What?" Melody breathed, her knuckles turning white from clutching the bedsheets so hard.

"To tell you the truth, the wound will leave a scar, so it's more vulnerable to infection because it's not going to heal up as fast as it normally would." Merlin explained and took a deep breath. "You understand all of that?"
She asked softly to try and help make her feel more relaxed.

"Yeah, I think so." The girl mumbled as her long golden bangs cast a shadow over her eyes. "I just need some time to process all of this and please tell Helbram that when you leave."


Hey! I've ruined Meliodas' relationship with his daughter and have no idea how to fix it now. I mean it was already falling apart, but hey...who doesn't have at least one bad relationship?

Help me...please...🙄😭🙄

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