Uncle Zel

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It was noon and my dad still hadn't returned. I was a little bit worried.

I turned to look at everyone, they were all drinking and chattering away as usual.
'I should go and find him.'
My thoughts were filled with concern.
I opened my mouth and spoke.
"Hey guys? I'm gon - ...."

The tavern door creaked open suddenly to reveal a man with jet black hair and emerald green eyes, he was wearing way too much red.
The man in question walked in. "Hey."
He said while rubbing the back of his head nervously.
"Uncle Zeldris?"  I questioned.

My uncle looked around the room before answering me.
"In the flesh, say, where's your dad?"
"Probably destroying the entire fucking forest." Eliza spoke while crossing her arms. "Why?"
"Cuz Melody fucked Helbram and now they're mates, he's probably furious about it."
"KILLIA!" I yelled at her while blushing like a tomato. "What? I'm telling him the truth."
"Well you don't have to say it like that!"

My uncle was shocked and a little bit embarrassed. "So, who did you mate with?"
"Helbram, but that's not important right now, my father has been missing since yesterday so I'm gonna go out to the half destroyed forest to find his sorry ass, sounds like soooooo much fun." I wasn't even trying to sound sincere, because I was pissed off at him. I knew that the second he would walk through this door, he would try to attack Helbram. "Okaaay, have fun with that."
"Oh, I won't." I laughed sarcastically while walking past my uncle and opening the tavern door.


As I walked deeper into the burning forest, I noticed more fallen trees.
'Great, fallen trees, I wonder how this'll end.'  I was frustrated at the fact he was destroying and burning down the forest, but what could I do.

I continued walking forward, stepping over logs and tree roots, following the sound of destruction.

It didn't take me long before I found him. He was in his demon form.
His face was contorted with rage and pain as he continued to punch a tree.

"So? You done decimating the forest yet?" I stood about 50 or so metres away from him, making sure to be cautious. "No." He hissed venomously at me. I just bit my tongue to stop myself from saying something I'd regret. I inhaled deeply and continued.

"That's too bad, cause uncle Zeldris is at the tavern and wants to know where you are." I said as I stuffed my hands into the black hoodie Helbram had made me. "Well tell him I'm not coming." I didn't need to look at his face to to be able to tell he was scowling.

Frustration took hold or me and I felt like screaming. "1. He came all the way from the demon realm to see how you were going! 
2. he's waiting for you at the tavern!
And 3. He only wants to know if you're okay!
So don't EVER, ignore your family, cause next time you do that, they won't be there!" I yelled the last part, I didn't even want to look at his face, I was that mad at him.

"So don't take what you have for granted!" And then I turned around and started walking back to the tavern. "Melody...I'm sorry."
His apology only made me more angry. "OH YEAH! I BET YOU ARE!"
I let my mark disappear again as I started walking away from him. "Oh, and just so you know, if you touch Helbram...I'm gonna kill you in the most painful way imaginable!"

And with those parting words, I left my father alone in the burning forest.
Regret was slowly beginning to settle in. But I wasn't gonna forgive him for a while.

Okay, done, hope you guys enjoyed my shitty writing.

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