Chapter 26 - Moving

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- no ones Pov -

- time skip 2 months -

Melody was sitting in her usual spot - under the giant tree that grew from the boar hat tavern.
She was completely alone with her thoughts, watching the leaves fall from the tree and then getting blown away in the wind. It was peaceful, quiet...boring.

Melody was never one to sit around, she would always go out and do something, whether it was training or going for a walk. But now...she couldn't do anything.
She sighed as she placed a hand on her quite noticeable bump - which at the time was hidden under her large black hoodie.

The baby hasn't started moving yet...

The cold winter breeze picked up, pulling some of her golden locks from their braid, indicating that it was time to go inside. Until the door opened, followed by the sound of slow, calculated footsteps.

"And I thought I would never find you." A bored voice came from behind her. Instead of turning around and greeting the new comer, Melody kept her eyes on the clouds, tucking another loose strand of hair behind her ear.

Eventually She sighed, finally acknowledging the person behind her.
"What do you want, Nadja? Have you ran out of books or something, or are you just here to relay a message?" She eyed the pinkette suspiciously before looking off into the distance again.

Nadja wore a white tank top which had her mark on the back, on top of that was a short, sky blue jacket with golden buttons. Her shorts were magenta with large, but empty, pockets, she wore dark purple flats that seemed to sparkle in the sunlight and her hair was the same as her fathers, save the fact that it was much longer and was almost always in a high ponytail. She wore no glasses.

"Well, both actually." She responded nonchalantly. "Meliodas wants you to go down stairs...he said something about having a word with you. I do not know why that is." Nadja turned around, not caring for a response from the blonde. "And he did not seem all too happy with you...captain." After that she decided to just leave, Melody watched the book girl disappear back into the tavern and out of sight.
Sometimes she just couldn't seem to understand that girl, she was a true mystery.

But just the thought of her father and what Nadja had said was enough to make her shiver with fear.


As the blonde demon entered the tavern, she noted that something didn't smell right - there was a strange fruity scent which seemed to mingle with yet another...alcohol.

She glanced around the room, but found no one, or that's what she thought.
After a further inspection, she noticed a rather drunk fairy passed out on the stone floor. Her fairy.

She sighed while face palming. "Seriously, Helbram?" She hissed under her breath as she crouched down in front of the dark brown haired boy. "Fucking, wake up." She hissed again as she lightly tapped his face and then waited for him to stir or flinch. Of which he did not.

She sighed while attempting to pick him up. Which made him wake up.

"W-what are you d-doing!?" He removed her hands while trying to get up. "You should have just woke me up. You know you shouldn't be over exerting yourself right now." He said with strong concern.

"Well, my dad's gonna be here at any moment and I really don't wanna be here when he shows. Let's go for a walk instead, I need to get some fresh air. " she tugged on his hands, pulling him towards the door.
He simply dragged his feet, the countless alcoholic beverages causing him to lose his balance.
She opened the door and they walked out together.

The forest was so green, even in Winter - the flowers were still going strong.

"This is so much better! Wouldn't you agree, Darling?" She nudged him with her elbow to wake him up.

"Y-yes! It is!" He said, snapping back to reality for a second before drifting off again. He seemed to stare off into the distance - leaves falling and being carried in the wind seemed more interesting than listening to his girlfriend.

Melody picked up on his unusually behaviour and lost a little bit of her happy energy.
"What's wrong? You seem really distant at the moment." Melody stopped walking and looked down at the ground. "Is it because" She suddenly whispered sadly, making Helbram look at her shocked.

"N-NO! I'm just tired because I had too much to drink last night! That's all...I love you so much and I'm really excited to be a dad, so don't say that!" He grabbed her by the waist and gently took her hand.
"You've never been a problem to me, only a strength." He kissed her on the forehead. She smiled softly, looking up at him."What is it?"

"Nothing, I'm just happy that you wanna be a dad." She beamed.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" He placed a his now free hand on her stomach. "It's ours, which makes it half you. I can't imagine how beautiful they'll be." He smiled down at where his hand rested.

"What if we have a boy? I hope they'll be as handsome as their fa-" she stopped abruptly.

"What's wrong!?" He studied her pale face for any kind of answer. "Please tell me."

"Everything's don't need to worry...the baby just kicked." A singular tear rolled down her cheek.
(This feels kind of awkward)

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