That night

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I was running through a forest, shrouded in fog. My legs were aching and my hearts were beating rapidly.
My Demon instincts threatening to take control, but I managed to push them down.

All I could hear was distant screaming and metal on metal, people were fighting!?  I continued to sprint towards the sounds, I hadn't reached them yet. But what I saw next made my blood run cold. My skin began to burn with rage. About 50 metres away from me laid Helbram in a pool of his own crimson red blood, not dead, but obviously in a lot of pain.

He started to whisper something, probably knowing I was already here, my aura was thick and dangerous, if I didn't get it under control soon, then the enemy would find us!

Not wasting a second, I hurried over to my lover. I kneeled down next to him and move him gently so his head was in my lap. After a little while of me stroking his soft brown hair, he opened his blood stained mouth to speak. At first I couldn't hear him, but then he began to say it again, as if knowing he was being too quiet. "M - Melody, I - I'm sorry." Hot tears began to trickle down his dirt covered cheeks, leaving a clean trail of skin.

"No, shut up you idiot. I'm the one that left you alone!" I looked down at him in shock as his face contorted in confusion. A little droplet of water had landed on his forehead. 'Is it raining?'.

He continued to look at me with disbelief. "W - why are you c - crying?"
"What, I'm n - not crying!"
I stopped abruptly and quickly moved my hand to my cheek, it was moist.
My eyes searched through the fog as the sounds became louder. But then I stopped.

I quickly looked back down at him, only to find that he was no longer breathing. Lightly shaking him I said his name. after a minute had passed I became more frantic. I couldn't stop my wrath and soon enough everything around me was consumed my darkness. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" My screams were so heart broken and painful.


"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Suddenly I woke up. My hands were clenching the  sheets so tightly that my knuckles were turning white. My entire body was covered in sweat and I was visible shaking.

My bedroom door was practical flown open. My father sprinted into the room and over to my bed.
"Melody, what's wrong!?"
I was confused as to why he was in his demon form, but i brushed it off.

I took a deep, shaky breath. "Nothing I'm, fine" crap, I only just realised that my mark was showing as well. Quickly I willed the black markings to fade back into my skin.

"You don't seem fine!"

"Neither do you, why are you so fucking uptight. I'm fine, also, I'm not a little girl anymore so you don't have to throw open the door like that!"
My bangs fell down over my empty, soulless eyes. "I don't need you to protect me anymore, I'm not weak!"
I quickly looked back up at him, my eyes becoming visible once more.
Tears of frustration fell down my slightly pale cheeks. I bit my lip, trying to not say the words that I so desperately needed to say. My dad looked at me, his eyes faded back to their original green. "It's okay, you don't need to cr- ...."

"I'm the reason mum is dead, aren't I?
She was a goddess, her body couldn't take it! Why do I always ruin everything!"
I threw my head into my hands as more tears tricked down my face.
I didn't want to look into his eyes, knowing that I would only find sorrow and pain. I regretted saying those words so much, but i had to get them out.

I was suddenly engulfed in a tight, protective hug. "It wasn't your fault, it was mine."
He started to cry into my hair.
It wasn't loud, just painful.

"Dad...I'm sorry." He gripped me tighter. All I could do in that moment was hug him back.

Cool, I'm done 697 words done!

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