Chapter 36 - The big Question

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"So? W-what do you say?" The fairy boy stuttered while blushing profusely, hands shaking violently from his nerves.

Meliodas was completely stunned by what Helbram had just said, but instead of getting protective and saying no...He ruffled up his hair and smiled at him. "Of course, I mean she's already carrying your kid, so why not?" Mel gave him his signature grin and removed his hand. Helbram' bottom lip began to tremble and a few happy tears slipped out.

"Thank you, Meliodas!"

"No problem, I just want you two to be happy, so go and look after her for me." Helbram smiled, nodded and stood up, wiping the warm tears from his face with his hoodie sleeve.

"I promise to keep her happy for as long as I live!" Mel nodded.

"Just one little condition though. You'll need to wait till after the baby's born, maybe 4 years or so."

"I understand, I can wait." He seemed a little disappointed, but there was still no mistaking that glint of joy in his yellow eyes. After that Helbram spun on his heels, waved and said goodbye to Meliodas and then went back inside. The door shut and he was suddenly cut off from the world again.

Mel was now alone. The cool air and star filled night sky made him feel a little bit better, but he still couldn't seem to shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen to someone. Didn't know who, just someone, it had actually been bothering him for quite some time now and he felt helpless as to what he was meant to do.

Why couldn't he just be happy? Everyday he would wallow in pain and self doubt, trying to fill the void with every kind of ale there was, but he still felt empty. There was light creaking as someone walked towards him.

"Hey, dad." Melody spoke in a creepy way as she attempted to scare her father. Sadly he didn't even flinch. "Hello?"

"..." He kept his back to her.

"Dad? Talk to me...please?" She pleaded with an undertone of pain.

"..." Still, Meliodas refused to talk. Melody walked over and sat where Helbram was once sitting. Trying desperately to make conversation with her father.

"Look at me." She demanded while watching him intently. She would not give up until she found out what was wrong.

After a couple of seconds Meliodas finally turned his head to look at her, but what she saw made her gasp and jump up.

"I know. No matter how many times I try to suppress keeps getting out of hand." Meliodas said while looking down at his feet. His tiny little feet, cuz he's a midget.
The mark was in the centre of his forehead, several jagged points stuck out of it. His eyes weren't like usual. They were far more darker and evil looking, more black then dark red and black fade.

"Why did this happen? Was it something that Helbram said or-"

"No. It's just...a lot has happened and the stress is starting to get to me." He confesses with a pained expression.

"You want a hug?" Lody smiled with her arms out stretched. "I forgive you for before, so you don't need to worry, we all love and care about. Yes Eliza is gone a-and Mum died b-before I got to meet her, but it's okay." It had become apparent that she had started crying.

"Come here." Meliodas slowly embraced his daughter and soothed her while still in his demon form. "This has been tough on you too, I should have been there more, but instead I was selfish. Please forgive me." She shook her head and squeezed him tighter, her sobbing suddenly becoming more of a sniffle than heart-rending cries.

"No, it's o-okay. I'm fine now. Just some painful memories, that's all." She removed herself from her dad and wiped the tears from her eyes. "I need to be strong. It's what mother and Eliza would have wanted." He sighed.

"You can't always use that poker face you got from me, it does eventually crumble away."

"I know, I'm not using it at all. This is me, the person I'm supposed to be."

Mel forced the dark marking to fade back into his skin. "Your really her daughter."


This was such a cliché thing for me to do. I always make her cry and him comfort her. Like why? It's not like I'm crying or anything! Don't look at me!!! *sobs* why do I always kill off the characters!? I too cliché?

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