I'm scared

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I sat in the bath tub wondering what life Would have been like if I wasn't born a demon and my mother was still alive. Just thinking about her made me feel a little sad, I pulled my knees up to my chest and tried not to cry. I really never cried, only on rare occasions, but I've been really hormonal lately so I'm not really surprised. Helbram's always been there for me, when ever I would feel sick, he would hold my hair up and stroke my back.
We would spend countless hours laying in bed together, snuggled up. I really do love him, and I hope that one day, we could get married. But now that just seems like an impossibility, my father would never allow that, and if he knew that I was pregnant then he would most likely disown me.

A soft plink echoed in my ears as one of my tears rolled down my cheek and landed in the steaming, lavender  scented bath water. I was 2 months pregnant, I had started showing a little bit, and I already smelt different. I forced the tears away and wiped my face with a wet hand. It didn't really help dry my face tho.

A demons senses were far more superior to all the other races, even the slightest change in ones scent wouldn't go unnoticed by others.
It was too obvious, my scent had already taken on a daffodil fragrance and for a highly ranked demon like him, well, it wouldn't be a secret for long.
I felt utterly stupid for getting pregnant at 18, but it's not like I don't want the child, it's just difficult.

I subconsciously started humming a melody I had heard while visiting the small village of Vanya, it was a sweet song, one that I could image my mother humming to me, had she been alive to see the woman I would have grown into. I stroked my slight bulge and continued to hum, something I only did on my own, or when I was with Helbram. I stopped and started getting out of the tub, I then wrapped a towel around my wet and naked form, then continued to make my way into the bedroom that I had been sharing with my mate.

I finished drying myself off and chucked on a baggy T-shirt and short shorts, leaving my hair to dry on it's own, I sat on the bed while stroking my stomach lovingly. I started humming that same melody again, excited for the day I would finally bring Helbram and my child into the world.


Wow, I'm a shitty writer T-T

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