Screw it again!

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- Melody Pov -

I flew as fast as I could, desperate to get to my sister. I looked at the ground below, the once small and bustling trading village of mendra had been left in ruin. 'Fuck'. I didn't even want to look at it, the though of it made my stomach turn. All of those innocent people had either died or lost a loved one all because of someone else's selfish game.

The sudden sound of screaming - of which broke the painful silence,  caught my immediate attention. I recognised that shrill scream as my own twin sisters and quickly turned in the direction. My eyes scanned the area , far below me, covered in blood and obviously in a world of pain, was Eliza.
I took a sharp nose dive, the anger inside of me growing more intense as I got closer. The demon inside surfaced.
"ELIZA!" I screamed, holding back the tears as I saw her Ashen-face.
I landed carefully and sprinted over to her, uncle Ban gave me a despairing look as he placed her on the ground.

"Please, look after her." He said quietly before running back into the fight.
Eliza was out cold, but not dead.

I waved my shaking hands over her bloody body, causing a warm red light to appear from my palms.
While Eliza is a goddess and I'm a demon, I inherited my mothers ability to heal people, as well as being able to bring them back to life - without any consequences. Eliza can bend light to her will and make things out of it, a lot like how a demon would with their darkness.

"Eliza? Please don't die, not now, not in a place like this..." My lip quivered as I realized that I couldn't save her, for some reason my powers weren't working on her.

"M-M-melody, I'm s-sorry..." She stopped to cough, groaning from the pain caused by the large wound in her chest. "I-I'm n-not going t-to make i-it ..." A tear trailed down her cold, dirt covered cheek.

"NO! Please don't say that!" I cried, more tears spilling from my onyx eyes. "You're going to be fine! I can save you! You're not going to die! Not like this!" I shook as I pulled my dying sister closer to me. "You can't die..."  

"Eliza?" I lightly shook her, but got no response. I shook her once more, but a little more frantic. "Eliza!?" I lightly tapped her face this time...

Still, way too much silence.

I suddenly realized...that she had already passed.

My mark disappeared as I clutched my sisters dead body.
I screamed, the tears kept coming and I could have sworn everything around me had gone silent.

"Awww, that's too bad, I didn't even get to finish her off." The voice belonged to someone I had never met, but somehow knew. "She was quite the fighter ya know, I really enjoyed breaking her." He chuckled coldly, making me seethe with rage and unbridled fury.

"So you're the one that did this to her?" I question emotionless, knowing that I couldn't stab this bastard for killing my sister. He hummed a response.

"And now...I'm going to do the same to you two." He pulled his sword out behind my back. "Let's hear that beautiful scream..."

"I'm sorry Eliza," I whispered into her hair as I prepared myself for the blow.

"Melody! Come over here! I wanna show you something!" A small five year old exclaimed happily as she beckoned her sister to look at her creation.

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