Chapter 28 - soon

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- Helbram Pov -

It was late in the afternoon and the sun had started to go down. I was leaning against the cave wall with Melody using my thigh as a pillow. We had lit a fire and were currently cooking some meat on it. Luckily Melody is a much better cook than her dad and I also heard that her mum wasn't that good either.
I guess taking cooking lessons from uncle ban was worth it.

I smiled as I played with her small antenna and then watching her twitch in her sleep. 'So cute.' I thought as a small blush overcame my cheeks.
I've loved Melody since we were 6, because I remember she would always do silly things that would result in her getting hurt, but for some reason I found her stubbornness to be rather adorable and because her mum was never around, she was never really taught how to be a property lady - all of her time was dedicated to training and fighting.

I could suddenly feel her beginning to stir; she was having a bad dream and She's been having a lot of them for the past month, so I just stroked her hair and sang to her; my mother used to sing to Deloris and I all the time.

She eventually calmed down and nuzzled into my lap more, causing me to grin and stop singing.

When I thought she was fast asleep, I decided to move her off my leg so I could check the meat.
She suddenly but weakly grabbed onto my pant leg, which made me stop.
"P-please keep...sing-ing." I looked back down at her with affection - she was half awake but obviously didn't want me to stop soothing her. How adorable! ❤

"Okay ❤." I shuffled back to my original spot, took in a breath and then continued. (Too lazy to insert a song) I was rewarded with a happy smile from Melody; one that made my heart melt. "I bet your dad and my parents are furious right now." I whispered to her, as she had just relaxed.

"Probably." She said while yawning.
"But who cares? We're almost adults now and about to become parents in 4 months."

"Yeah, even though it's already been 5 months...I still can't believe it." I glanced at the fire and the meat that had been left forgotten. "Which reminds me, since you're eating for 2, you're gonna need to keep your strength up." She nodded and sat up, patting her stomach gently.

"Yeah, I am pretty hungry. The little guy probably is too."

"Guy?" I looked down at her stomach which held our precious little baby.

"Yeah...I can just feel it...'mothers intuition'!" Melody giggled a I gave her a confused look.
"They move around a lot so I just figured that as well."

"Riiiight...So what if we have a little girl?" She smiled wholesomely and my heart skipped a beat.

"Then I'll love her just the same. It really doesn't matter what we have, whether they choose to be non binary or gender fluid. I'll love them no matter what ❤." I could have sworn I could see a tear in her eye.

She'd always been this way. So full of love and affection and being able to accept people for who they were. It makes her such a beautiful and kind hearted girl. Just the fact that she's so prepared for this kid is proof of that - prepared to love and accept them.

"Hey? Why are you crying?" Melody cupped my cheeks gently and brought my forehead to press against hers. "I'm here for you...we both are." I smiled through the tears as she gave me a chaste kiss on the lips.

"I just love you two so much...and I'm scared that something bad is going to happen."

"Helbram..." She whispered and pulled me into her chest as I began sobbing. I rested my hand on her stomach, slowly caressing it as if I was about to die at any moment and leave them alone. My breath hitching everytime I felt them move.

"I-I'm s-sorry...I'm so so s-sorry...I just w-want you to b-be safe." I grit my teeth as she laid down and brought me down with her.

"Sh sh, there's nothing to be sorry for. I love you and that's all I care about. I may be you're girlfriend, but I'm also your captain...I'm strong Helbram, strong enough to protect everyone I love and care about. I used to think power and fighting were the most important things in life, but now I have you and our kid." She soothed and brought her body closer to me, pressing her bump into me. "See, they're okay, they're still moving and they're still alive." She smiled. I couldn't help giving her a long and lustful kiss. My tears were mingled into our passion and I felt her smirk into the kiss.

I pulled apart as I felt them move against my torso. "I'm so lucky."

The Demon and the Fairy - Seven Deadly Sins (Lemon)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang