Chapter 35 - Fun times

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Melody pushed the door open gently and walked inside, motioning for her father to do the same. He nods and enters, smiling at her and then leaving to go talk to Zeldris. But not before tucking some hair behind her ear (making her blush in embarrassment and whisper yell at him) and then rush off before he got slapped again.

Everyone in the tavern was either drinking or talking happily about random things.

"Hey, Mel, is your face okay?" Zeldris joked as he suddenly slapped him on the back. Startling the sober bar owner and making him flinch.

"Zeldris? Are you drunk?" Meliodas smirked at his younger brother.

"Maybe...but who cares? We're celebrating."

"What exactly are we celebrating?" The blonde midget questioned with a confused expression. Zeldris face palmed dramatically and pointed to the young couple sitting in the corner.
Helbram was checking Melody over excessively while she just sat there trying not to giggled at him.

"They really are perfect for each other. Aren't they, brother?" Zeldris gave a genuine smile.

"Yes, yes they are. But I still can't believe I'm going to be a grandfather in 4 months, it's just happening so quick." Yes, Meliodas was 3000 years old, but he still appeared as an ordinary child, so no matter how many times he told himself that he was old. He just couldn't see it.

"Ooooh, Helbram said that he needed to ask you something really important by the way."

"Really? you know what it is?" He asked curiously while watching the cute couple interacting with each other and smiled softly. Feeling happy for the first time in a while because he knew his little girl was growing up.

"Nope, not a clue. Why don't you just go over there and ask him?" Zel spoke nonchalantly to him.

"Fine...I'll go talk to him." Meliodas huffed.

"Good luck!"

"I don't need luck, it's probably not even that much of a deal." Meliodas finished talking to Zeldris and then made his way over to Helbram. He walked with a little more force then he was used to to try and get his attention.
"Helbram? Did you want to speak with me?" He said while stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"O-oh! Meliodas! Yes! It's really important. I wanted to talk to you earlier but it clearly wasn't a good time. Can we talk outside maybe? I don't want anyone to hear. Also...are you cool with me being...ya know..." Helbram was sweating and shaking slightly as he couldn't shut up.

"Calm down, I'll only kill you if you hurt her." Mel crossed his arms and gave Helbram a quick death glare. Helbram gulped and averted his eyes from Meliodas' frighteningly serious face.

"Dad!" Melody hissed at him quietly.

"I'm joking" Meliodas rubbed the back of his head and chuckled. "Just don't do anything dumb and I won't do anything bad." Melody rolled her eyes at him.

"O-okay!" Helbram stuttered as he fiddled with something in his pocket, catching Meliodas' eye. He brushed it off and looked towards the door.

"If what you wanted to talk to me about is so important, then why don't we take this outside?" The blonde demon Prince asked the now calm fairy boy.

"Okay...I'll meet you out there in a minute."


Meliodas sat on the wooden steps, staring up at the shimmering night sky and wondered if Elizabeth was looking at the same thing. Well, not his Elizabeth at least, but the 108th reincarnation of her.

What a wonderful thing love was, what a wonderful yet confusing and fucked up thing. One minute you'll be the happiest person alive, then the next you're staring at their dead body laying on a stripped bed; blood dripping down their thighs and two screaming infants held tightly in your arms. Meliodas sighed and watched the steam evaporate into the nothingness.

"Meliodas." Helbram whispered as he came and sat down next to him. "I'm ready now."

"Yeah, I know...What is it you wanted to ask me?" He didn't bother to look at the fairy and instead kept his attention on the stars and moon.

" involves Melody....a-and." Helbram fumbled in his pocket and brought out a small black box. "I wanted to ask your if I could m-marry her." He flipped open the small box to reveal a black diamond encrusted ring with white diamonds decorating the rest of the elegant silver band. "So? W-what do you say?"

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