Chapter 49 - Awake

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- time skip: 3 days -

- Meliodas Pov -

Everyone was outside enjoying the sun. It was the perfect day to relax and refresh.
Zeldris and I were sitting on the porch watching king try to show everyone how to make flower crowns; ban successfully made one and gave it to Elaine, Diane made one and put it on herself and Nora completely messed it up and rage quited. Everyone was just trying to put there minds on something other than Melody and what had happened 3 days ago. It was hard to forget, but we had to try and look on the bright side.

"Nora!" Ronan yelled at his sister as she was scrunching up the flowers in her hands. "Don't throw a tantrum because you can't make a flower crown, that's fucking immature!"

"Shut the fuck up Ronan! Just because you did it flawlessly doesn't mean you have the right to have a go at me!" She yelled back, throwing her 'flowers' in his face and standing up.

"Calm down you two." Escanor said while trying to sound tough, as he was wearing his modified glasses and was currently in his night form. "You're both acting old are you? 5?" He continued to scald them, Merlin watching with an amused look on her face.

"Oh dear...they're never going to grow up." Merlin chuckled lightly to herself.

"They never do." I laughed back.

There was a sudden chill as the wind picked up suddenly, sending a cold gust of wind towards us. The sky began to dim as dark clouds blocked out the sun. This quick change in weather caught everyone by surprise, specially Merlin.
I was about to tell everyone to go back inside, when a sudden explosion of murderous intent and magic power began seeping from the tavern.

My eyes widened as I realized what was about to happen. "RUN!" I screamed as part of the tavern suddenly exploded, fragments of wood and glass flying everywhere.
I was just quick enough to take cover behind a tree.

When the dust had cleared, I decided to take a quick look behind me...what a mistake that was.

Not too far away from me stood Melody. Her body completely covered in darkness, of which moulded around her curves, creating a dress of malice.

Darkness began gathering around her right hand, forming a dark blade.
Her face was completely covered by her bangs and she was breathing heavily.

She slowly raised the blade above her head...and quickly brought it back down. The tree I was pressed against suddenly gave way and began toppling over. I quickly moved away as to not get crushed. "Fuck!" I cursed under my breath as she edged closer to me, a menacing smile of her face.

She raised the sword again.

I didn't want to fight her, I just wanted her to return to normal. All I could do was close my eyes and take it.

She brought it down.


I heard the sound of Micah crying and opened my eyes.
The sword that Melody was holding was a fraction of an inch away from touching my head. She had stopped.

The sword seeped back into her arm as she turned and looked at the small infant in Helbram's arms.

She slowly walked over to him and stood there, looking at the little boy who was reaching out to her. Helbram had a look of fear and happiness in his eyes as she gently took Micah from him. She Held the baby against her chest as I noticed the malice disappearing and a smile spreading across her face.

"Micah." She cooed to the little boy, who was now asleep in his mother's arms.


Well I can't write...I was literally rushing this chapter so it's really bad.

The Demon and the Fairy - Seven Deadly Sins (Lemon)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें