I'm not a little girl!

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It was early morning and the sun was only just peaking over the horizon. A sword was tightly clutched in my right hand.

Yesterday my dad had decided to take me into the forest for a sparing session, we went deep into the forest, as to not wake up the others. It's going to cause a lot of damage to the forest. Probably not the best idea to do it during summer, when the risk of bush fires is higher.

My dad stood about 50 or so metres away from me, he two was holding his sword, Lostvayne.

I let a yawn escape my lips, as I hadn't gotten that much sleep that night.
My unconscious mind had been constantly plagued by nightmares.

"Hey, I'm not that boring."
Oh, completely forgot about him.
"Of course not, I just couldn't sleep very well last night. That's all."
I gripped my blade tighter as the nightmare replayed in my head.

"Wanna tell me what it was about?"
He smiled at me softly, almost trying to reassure me. But his worried eyes said otherwise. "No, not really."
I felt like screaming, I was falling apart, why couldn't I just talk to him!?.

He suddenly looked up at me, as if the question he asked wasn't meant to be.
"I need you to tell me."
"How about, no?."
I smiled sarcastically, emphasising how pissed off I was at him.

His face turned serious as he began walking towards me, getting closer and closer. I felt my Demon side become more, aggressive.

"Don't come closer." I said, my voice dangerously low. "Just talk to me."
He sounded so worried.
As he got closer, I started backing away. I couldn't take in anymore, he was invading my personal space. And my demon side didn't like that.

I backed up until I hit a tree, the rough bark stopping me from moving. He continued to walk forward.

When he was about a metre away from me, my demon mark appeared on my face. With a swift movement, I sliced at his face with my sword, cutting the soft tissue on his cheek.
Blood gushed out and he clutched his cheek, hissing from the pain and falling to his knees.

I dropped the sword I had just used to attack my father. I looked at my shaking hands and began to freak out.
"I - I - I'm sorry."


I sprinted through the green forest, everything around me didn't matter anymore. All I wanted was to die, I couldn't take it anymore.

After 6 minutes of full on sprinting, I reached the boar hat, my solitude, the one place I felt safe beside being embraced in my boyfriends arms.

I burst through the door, ignoring all the confused and worried looks from the sins and saviours. "Hey, Captain, what's wrong?"
Deloris questioned with a mouth full of food. I looked at her, panting and covered in sweat. My demon marking on display.

She stood up and began cautiously walking over to me, as if I was a frightened deer. I ignored her attempt at comforting me, and began sprinting up the stairs.

Slamming the door, I quickly ran to the bathroom, locked the door and looked in the mirror. Black and purple markings covered my face.

I bit my lip with frustration and hurled my fist into the mirror, shattering it into a million pieces.

The mirror was like me, you could fix it, but you would always see the mother fucking cracks. I then fell to the floor, tears streaming down my face, I crawled over to the wall and curled up into a ball - hugging my now blood covered knees, my right hand had shards or glass sticking out of it.

A monster, that's what I am. I hurt my own father, he probably hates me.

My sobs became louder, I just wanted to be alone right now. Because I'm scared, that I might hurt someone else.

The Demon and the Fairy - Seven Deadly Sins (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now