Kenjiro Shirabu Catch Up

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                                                                   Where you guys first met

you met a doctors appointment. him being the doctor that you were seeing that day actually. you were pregnant with your ex bf Colin at the time baby. so yeah there you were at the doctors with your mom. ''miss y/n l/n doctor shirabu will see you now'' the nurse said she brought you and your mom to the room. as you knock on the half open the door ''come in'' he said. you walk in ''ah my 4 o'clock appointment missy/n l/n right? sis down on the bed and we will get started in a bit just relax'' he said to you. ''he seems nice'' you thought. as you lay on the bed. your mom sat beside you on a chair. ''ok are you ready to know the gender? i have to ask before we start is this your first child or have had one before? and what you expecting a girl or boy?'' he asked you as he jot down notes on his clipboard. 

''this is my first child and i don't really care if its a boy or girl'' you said to him ''ok good good lets get this started'' he said. as you had ultrasound ''ok its a ... girl congratulations miss y/n'' he said to you ''i know this is early but do you have a name for her in mind its ok if you don't you think about it more with your partner when you get home'' he said ''actually i don't have a bf anymore i live my mom again after we broke up so,'' you said ''oh well if thats the case then we take this and call if you have any questions'' he said ''thank you doctor'' you said to him with a smile as y/n left with her mom. 

when back at home you looked at note more closely. it was the doctors home number. you blush as you add the number to your phone contacts in case of emergence. you were only 4 months pregnant at the moment and now that you know the gender you could call in your family and friends to help you built the baby nursery for the girl. 

after your baby shower. you had come with a name. Kimiko (Kimi - for short). months went on and on. as you and kenjiro started to see each other as friends first.  

Meeting Again /Confessing To You

months later you came into for your appointment on advice to reduce pain in cause you were a week late. which was annoying. so gave you suggested on exercise, and foods that could work for getting you into labour. after another week of trying what the doctor suggested. you walked to get a magazine and your water broke. next thing you knew was that your in hospital waiting for the to cheek dilation. 

(46 hours later) you were the delivery room with your daughter himiko in soft pink blanket took around her. holding her in your arms. you brought into the visiting room so family and friends could see you and her. 

all that time you haven't heard anything from kenjiro at all. until two months after you left with hospital with your daughter Kimiko to looked after her. he texted you saying he wanted to see you. you texted ''i'll have to ask my mom to look after Kimiko for me but i'll be there where are we meeting up'' said to him ''a café [insert café location]'' he said ''oh i love that place'' you said to him. you down your phone when you heard your mom walk in ''mom i'm stepping out for a bit can you look after her for a while i'll be back in a few hours'' you said ''ok sweetie but just so yk can't do this all the time'' she said to you ''ik she is my child its not like i forgot that'' you said to her 

as you run to get dressed. you left to the café. as you saw him. you gave him a hug. ''so how are you?'' he asked ''i'm tired from Kimiko but good how's yourself?'' she asked ''its good for now i wanted to ask you here cause i want be with you y/n'' he said ''what kenjiro as you asking me out?'' you asked ''yeah pretty much that was the plan actually'' he said scratching the back of his head ''yes i would love to go out with him. 

''hey want to come home with me and see my daughter she is so cute if you have time that is knowing your a doctor?'' you asked ''yeah sure i don't have any appointments today so i can see your little girl'' he said (fast-forward) you arrived home with your bf i guess now. you arrived in the door to introduce your daughter to kenjiro. ''mom i'm back'' you said ''oh thank god y/n oh .. doctor shirabu what are you doing here? y/n why is he here? ..are you holding hands oh sweetie i'll you to alone should i take your daughter to her nursey?'' she asked ''no i want them to met so she isn't scare when she gets her injections and stuff and this might be good if this works then she'll have a father'' you said. 

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