When You Come Into See Your Bf Masturbating

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Shinsuke kita

You Come In and see you Bf on his bed with hand on his member and you screamed and he stopped looked up at you and cleaned the mess he made saying "sorry you had to see that"

Osam miya

You just say "I'll just see you later" and walk out and went down stairs to wait for your Bf to fix himself.

Satori Tendou

You just leave after screening and just said "I'll be down stairs when your finished"

Tetsurou kuroo

You just "babe just put a note on the next time please" left

Eita Semi

You just scream and left saying " OMG did I just see that OMG omg"

Atsumu Miya

Well this is to be expected well this for him atsumu miya is to be expected. As you watch your Bf from blackjackals touching himself you just left and said nothing.

Rintaro suna

You just said the same thing you said to kuroo "babe just next time leave a note on the door please" and left leaving a very confusing suna questioning to himself.

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