Chapter 31- All Of It

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Chapter 31

All Of It

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Energy Magic, and Ideas


They're exhausted

Frea grimaced slightly, casting a glance behind her and silver eyes glimmering for the figures of Erza, Moon, Carla, Wendy and Mira all fast asleep, pressed close together and not even stirring a little when Frea carefully moved herself out from the middle of them... They'd pressed in close on all sides, and stayed that way for quite awhile even as she woke up, and spent a fair chunk of time just laying in silence, staring at the canopy- until eventually she could lay there no longer and had to move. So she moved to the edge of the bed, leaving them where they were and they didn't even budge as she did so- as she'd said, they were exhausted... The whole Guild was, everyone who had dropped in to check on her were all tired too, though they did their best to hide it. She could still tell all the same though, and she sighed for it... And their walking on eggshells around her, hovering, fidgeting- all of it.

All of it, on top of everything else swimming in her head, just wasn't helping anything... She needed it to stop swirling so much, she needed it to still, and she needed everything and everyone else to settle too.

More so than anything though, she needed to just... Get out of this room.

She glanced up, her eyes gleaming as she caught sight of the Barren Girl from before again, the child peaking slightly from around the entrance and blushing slightly when she caught Frea's eye. She averted her eyes quite quickly for it, before glancing up slowly again and taking a tentative step passed the corner, pausing in the entrance and almost waiting... The girl's hands twitched, before beckoning cautiously toward the door, questioning, and Frea let out a breath, her expression softening slightly.

She turned from the girl, her hand coming down softly on Moon's head and rubbing it gently, trying her best to rouse the Exceed as nicely as possible. Moon let out a small grumble at it, her usual hard-to-wake demeanor flaring instantly as she curled up into a ball a bit more tightly. Frea rubbed her head a bit more and the Exceed's ears twitched, one pale blue eye peeking open to see what was bothering her, and her groggy focus finding Frea.

"... Hmm..? Is... Something wrong...?" Moon asked instantly, trying to shake off her sleepiness hastily, but Frea shook her head and rubbed the Exceed's ears reassuringly.

"... No, nothing's wrong." Frea assured quietly, "I just need some air, and I didn't want to leave without telling anyone where I was going." She explained, and Moon paused.

"... Oh... Uhm, alright... I'll come with you then-" Moon started, but Frea shook her head again.

"No, you're tired still, just go back to sleep." Frea mumbled, her head tilting in the direction of the Barren Girl. "I'll be alright, I'll have company, so don't worry." Moon blinked, her eyes finding the little girl for a few seconds and looking hesitant, her eyes moving back to Frea slowly.

"... Are you sure...?" Moon asked tentatively, Frea nodded.

"Yeah I'm sure."

"... Okay... Be careful, please...? Don't push yourself...?" Moon murmured quietly, Frea nodded just once more, but otherwise said nothing to it. Moon watched Frea move away from the bed and toward the Barren Girl, her hand falling in the younger's lightly as she got lead out of the room and all the way out of sight- and when Moon could see them no longer, her eyes dropped closed, slowly.

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