Chapter 23- Strangers

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Chapter 23


Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Energy Magic, and Ideas


"... You don't realize how ironic your name is..." Frea mumbled softly, her eyes watching Talarr as he moved among his mess of a workshop, glass clinking and tools too as he worked away putting together some sort of medicine, or... something.

She'd been sat down at a table that had been (attempted to be) cleaned. What had been sitting atop it in disorganized, crowded fashion had been stacked and instead pushed to the side- allowing a small space for herself as she sat in a chair and leaned over on to the top of it. Her head was in her arms as she crossed them on the table top, her eyes only halfway open and the world still swimming sickeningly... and she was barely awake.

Following that stupid decision to push her Senses out and gather up what she could about Okeal, she'd hit a wall and a Limit she hadn't expected, and shouldn't have hit, if not for what a wreck Edryd's goddamn Sword had made her, and the Collar too... and Adgnei and Okeal's stupid, crazy, complicated, overwhelming Magic and Energy every-fucking-where.

... following that stupid decision to let her Senses wander, she'd ended up passing out, again.

Well, mostly... it was all a bit of a blur. She was sort of in and out and she remembered Talarr saying something she didn't catch, remembered his nervousness, and remembered Seyre popping back into the picture. But somewhere between that and suddenly making it back to Talarr's designated space and workshop and living area all in one- everything in the middle was too blurred and fractured to really recall. So maybe she hadn't technically passed out, but she'd gone right to the edge of it and was just... dazed.

Either way he'd insisted she get back in bed but she'd refused, so he'd simply settled for allowing her to sit at the table and at least... just not stand anymore. And though she wouldn't admit it, she wasn't sure she could stay standing for very long right now if she wanted to. That small excursion out and into the decrepit library had taken a lot of out her, where it really, really shouldn't have.

Considering how dizzy she was and how hard a time she was having on just staying awake, she figured a little bit of sitting and watching him work wasn't a bad idea. Seyre was standing close by, her wolf at her heel and quiet as the Cue Card remained floating in front of Frea, to which there had been a small bit of message from Aisha.

Something along the lines of 'work Talarr around into telling you more about what is going on, and stay still. We're working on getting in to Okeal'

The rest of said Message from Aisha must have been instructions for Seyre, because that bit was all she'd been instructed to do, and though she hated the idea of taking orders from Aisha, she wasn't about to argue.

So she sat there at that table, leaned over and shoulders hunched. After awhile her breathing became less steady even despite the rest, simply because her stomach was throbbing so much, and maybe more than the rest of her body and even her head. She remained watching in silence as he worked away, muttering to himself and writing things down whilst also grinding up herbs and mixing together different liquids, boiling them... The works. Multitasking between his work with the medicine, and recording different things in a journal, about what she'd told him about Energy Magic she was pretty sure... And then multitasking more as he read through the Data in his eyeline from his Scan-Glasses.

Between watching him and looking around the room and finding books and pieces of equipment and objects- things he was building and tinkering with, inventions and bases for things he already knew how to build- or was just trying to modify and improve........ Little notes spread here and there with theory and drawings, notes to himself or just questions... Illustrations of Magic Circles and bits of different Rune Languages scattered here and there...... Measurements for ingredients, supplies, Lacrima... There was just so much in here, and all of it had to do with making something, researching something, learning, picking it apart.

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