Chapter 22- Chatter

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Chapter 22


Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Energy Magic, and Ideas


"What on earth do you mean that fool of a girl is prisoner in another country?!" Porlyusica snapped, her red eyes flashing and voice ringing through the hall as she stood in front of Master Makarov, who sweatdropped- grimacing slightly at the loudness of her voice. The Old Lady's hands fell on her hips hotly, scowling.

"She's not been out of trouble for more than a month and she's already smack in the middle of some mess?!" She went on, "How on earth does one person manage to constantly be in the middle of some disaster?!"

"... I have been asking that question more and more frequently for years now." Master grumbled wearily, Porlyusica let out a low growl at the comment.

"Tch... so you called me here to check on Moon?" Porlyusica growled, redirecting the conversation with ease as Master nodded stiffly.

"She's been made sick by a powerful Magical Tool, and thus far Wendy's Healing Magic has not had any affect." Master explained lowly, Porlyusica's eyes narrowing at the words. "Aisha seemed to have doubts that Wendy's Magic would have an effect to start with, and it seems she was right. She sent a Tonic over from Adgnei, one that's been altered to better contend with this Magic- though even still she warned it would not do away with the Magic entirely, only lessen the side effects." He sweatdropped slightly, his eyes shifting toward the hallway that lead toward the Infirmary. "... I've given little mind to Adgnei in my lifetime, but I had heard of their strength in their Tools... I just hadn't imagined they were as advanced as they are. Fiore's Magical Tools and inventions couldn't hold a candle to what they have."

Porlyusica simply frowned at the words, her face unreadable now as she simply held him in her gaze, and he kept his attention on the back hallway a few moments longer. He was tense, stiff-shouldered, and his face worn... Worried. About Moon, and the team on their own in Adgnei... And Frea too.

That damn girl... Doing this again

Not that it was entirely her fault, mind you... For some reason fate seemed apt to put that Dragon Slayer in danger more often than not.

"... I'll do what I can for Moon." Porlyusica grumbled, her feet taking her passed the Old Man with ease. "Don't worry yourself too much about your Brats, Makarov. They will be fine." She muttered hotly, he blinked at it. "You'll make your heart give out brooding like that, quit!" He jumped slightly, blinking several times.

Porlyusica stalked off toward the back without another word, leaving him standing there a bit taken aback and the Guild a bit stunned too.

... I hope they will be fine...


"... is it too early for me to ask why Edryd makes you so nervous and angry?"

Aisha stiffened, her eyes snapping sideways toward Chase and violet eyes glittering as she immediately bristled at the quiet string of words he cast her way out of near nowhere.

They were stopped at the front of a pathway that lead through what had been called 'Monatre Grove'. On either side of them spanned lines and lines of trees with silver vines and leaves, their bark smooth and shining white almost as they curled up far over their heads and toward the sloping, circular dome roof of a building that was too big and too massive to even seen the ends of. Stars and constellations shone along the dome, shimmering slightly and almost life-like as if they were Magic and not paint. At the center of the Dome there was a large opening that showed the sky outside.

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