Chapter 18- Dirty Swords

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Chapter 18

Dirty Swords

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Energy Magic, and Ideas


"So?" Frea's voice earned Moon's attention as she turned back toward the doors- the Exceed waiting patiently to the side of Fairy Hills' main entrance. The Building was empty, outside of herself and Frea- the other girls in residence had already woken up and gone to the Guild a bit ago, seeing as how Frea hadn't meant to wake up until a few minutes before now... around 10. Moon had settled into waiting there for Frea to finish getting ready for the day, before seeing her off as the Energy Dragon Slayer headed down the hill to meet up with the Thunder Legion, and go on that Job that she seemed so excited for.

Moon had opted out of joining, she was sure Frea would be plenty fine with Evergreen, Freed and Bixlow all around to keep an eye on her- and besides; They'd already agreed that the Thunder Legion invited her to both give her a chance to work without being coddled, and to try and get to know Frea better themselves (though Moon wasn't sure Frea realized they were doing so because of how close she and Laxus had gotten as of late...).

Regardless, Moon would spend the day at the Guild, and probably in the company of Carla and Aisha if they could manage it- they needed to come together a bit more on this Vision that Carla kept having, and Moon was hoping she might get Aisha to open up a little about Adgnei. Though... she was sure it wouldn't be easy.

Moon shook the thought off, her head turning to the front door of the building and Frea stepped out into the morning light as she paused, Moon blinked.

"What do you think?" Frea asked brightly, smirking slightly as she turned just once, before halting again and letting her hands fall on her hips.

Moon smiled, shaking her head a little and chuckling despite herself- her eyes tracing over the subject of the question; Frea's (apparently newly decided upon) Mission Attire.

She was wearing a pale blue-grey jacket that zipped up the middle, but didn't even reach up to her shoulders, and instead stopped off at her chest in a low neckline. Underneath it she had on a sleeveless mesh tank top under that, and a collar buckled around her neck at the top. The back of the tank top was skinny enough to leave her shoulder-blades bare, on her arms were dark sleeves trimmed in pale blue on the top and bottom that reached from the lower half of her upper arm to the middle of her lower arm. Around her waist and torso were three belts, paired with slim, dark-colored pants and knee-high boots of the same color as the jacket. Around her right thigh was a pale blue band with crossing white lines and other designs imprinted on the fabric- on her left thumb remained that ring she was always wearing now, and on her opposite wrist was the Limiter given to her by Saige.

Her hair shifted in the breeze, pulled back into a ponytail with her bangs framing her face- her fangs flashing slightly as she leaned in a little, waiting on Moon's answer and very clearly keeping her excitement for the day contained as well as she could- which wasn't all that well.

"Thoughts? Comments?" Frea chuckled lightly, "It's a little different from what I usually wear but I figured why the hell not. Since I'm finally getting back to work, after so much has changed- I thought it about time to change up what I usually wear out on Jobs too."

"I think it looks great." Moon purred, "It's a good color on you." Frea hummed, looking a little flustered for half a second before lightly clapping her hands together.

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