Chapter 26- Burning

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Chapter 26


Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Energy Magic, and Ideas


Weightless again... floating in emptiness, nothing but darkness on all sides, stretching into oblivion... and she couldn't move. Couldn't breathe.

... Am I... back in the Reach...? Back... even though...

... the Reach was so cold, icy... this... I'm not cold... I feel... like...

... I'm burning...

... but why... is it... so dark...?

This... doesn't smell like... the Reach... it's... why do I feel... like I'm...

... Falling...?

... did... Did I...?

... is that... where I am...?

...The Abyss...?

... Did I... Fall...?

... Is this what it is...? Nothingness... emptiness... forever falling... further and further...?

... not... feeling...? Not even... when I...? If I...

... I don't... I'm... no... my... body... I'm...

... I feel like I'm... on fire...

... falling... and burning...



There was none of the marble flooring left, it had been stripped, leaving bare ancient stone that had stood there since the beginning, and not walked upon in more than an age. Air flowed freely through the now empty pillars and archways stuck along that flat, circular platform etched into the mountainside and acting a vestibule to the Door and Gateway that had been there far longer than even the whole of Adgnei... And now sat, shut and still outside the dull glow of Magic from the Runes and carvings along it's edges. What had been built of Okeal's tallest tower and attached to this solitary standing atop the mountainside, was crumbling quickly beneath the ledge it made up of the terrain, separating itself once more from the stairway and paths that had been built to allow human-kind to grow near it.

The Seleyn stood there before the Door, silent and unmoving, her red eyes fixed to the sheer and smooth cliff-face that gave no indication of ever splitting apart and allowing itself open. The wind kept up, harsh, cold and biting- but she did not feel it, nor hear it at all, or even the crash of the tower's pieces falling. She heard none of the outside world, nor cared to- her ears filled with thousands of voices and whispers, both bodiless and belonging to those faint, indiscernible figures pressed in on all sides around her, crowded and so close there was no room to shift- and yet they seemed an ocean, softly pulling and pushing, rippling like waves... And all of it, only for her own eyes.

To think she had never been drawn here before, never felt this many burning bright in a world they were not allowed form, never heard all these voices and countless of them so very, very old... How long she had never known... to realize now, so clearly, there had been so much she hadn't known.

How many years spent, chasing whispers and flailing with non-answers? With riddles and musings and guessing-games, and never getting anywhere close...?

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