Chapter 20: Visit

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"Tanjiro-kun how are you"

Hikaru decided to visit a certain demon slayer since she didn't have the chance to check on him after the incident that had happened yesterday.

She placed a box on the table and sat on the chair beside Tanjiro's bed. The boy smiled and greeted her.

"I'm fine Hikaru-san, I'm sorry you were also questioned on my trial"

He apologized, his dark red eyes held sadness in them but Hikaru smiled at him and shook her head.

Tanjiro Kamado is a demon slayer with dark hair and burgundy tips, brushed back that the mark on his forehead is exposed. His dark red eyes held kindness in them and his smile that's always genuine.

That even though his family was slaughtered by Muzan and only one on his family had managed to survive but was turned into a demon, he still manage to smile and be strong for his little sister Nezuko.

Such burden for such a young boy.

"Don't mind it Tanjiro-kun, although I'm sorry for not saying anything back then"

Tanjiro waved his hand frantically in disagreement that she have nothing to apologize for.

"Oh right Tan--"

"Tanjiro? Who is--"

A voice interjected.

"Cu- cute gi-girl?!! Ahhh Tanjiro!! Why do you know a lot of cute girls?!!"

Hikaru looked to the other side when she was cut off by a voice and saw a yellow haired boy that seemed to be hyperventilating?

"Zenitsu that's inappropriate! She's---ah Zenitsu!"

Tanjiro sweat dropped when the boy named Zenitsu, according to Tanjiro had immediately tried to hold her hands but with difficulty, a hint of snot and blush on his face. Hikaru didn't react, although she was cautious of his bold actions.

"I-I'm Zenitsu Agatsuma! Please marry me!"

"Zenitsu! Stop that!"

Tanjiro wanted to rise from his bed and knock some senses unto his girl-crazy friend but his body wouldn't let him. His battle with a lower moon demon was so intense that it's taking a toll on his body.

On the other hand, Hikaru's eyes widened at his boldness but later on smiled faintly.

"I'm Hikaru Asagiri and sorry but I have to refuse"

This made the erratic boy crestfallen and cried in defeat. Tanjiro went to scold him not to ask girls he just met to marry him since it is disrespectful and such. He sure is a cinnamon roll.

Hikaru just smiled awkwardly and remembered the box she brought. She went to grab it and offered the two.

"Right, here Tanjiro-kun, Zenitsu-kun, I have made some Shio daifuku desserts"

The girl offered with a smile. Both young demon slayers staring at her in awe. Zenitsu was blushing hard and surprisingly even Tanjiro but faintly.

Hikaru's charm really is something.

"Cu-cute! Hikaru-chan thank you for your care!"

"Zenitsu! Oh thank you for these Hikaru-san"

She nodded. Both started to savor the chewy dessert and gleamed with happiness.


"I'm glad you like it, and by the way who's that?"

The girl pointed at the neighbouring bed which which lies a boar? Or it is a person?

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