Chapter Fifty Four

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It was the sound of a gunshot, one that sounded extremely, eerily close. Charlie couldn't see anything as she began to panic, her breathing shaky it felt like the darkness was beginning to take over. She was defenceless, helpless, alone. It was cold, colder than she'd ever felt before.

Then she was suddenly inside Walden High, nobody paying attention to her as she physically panicked, feeling around as if she'd the one that had been shot. She felt around her chest, finally looking down as warmth found its way to her fingertips again. Glancing around anxiously, she watched as students passed by her, crying as she carried cards - homemade, store bought, all sorts of 'In Loving Memory' cards, walking in the same direction.

Turning, she looked to see Nadia standing next to her, the blonde makeup-less for once as she sent her a symphathetic look. For once, the popular girl of the school didn't dare try to say anything harmful to Charlie. She didn't say any smart remark, didn't make fun of the other blonde. She just reached her hand out, touching Charlie's shoulder. "I-I'm so sorry, Charlie." The platinum blonde told her, her voice shaky as she let out a loud sob, all of her popular girl friends coming up behind her to comfort her.

Charlie stared at her in confusion, unsure of what to think of the remark. Before she could ask Nadia what she had been talking about, the girl was gone and out of sight. Everyone began to send her sorry looks, showing sympathy as she walked by, beginning to cause Charlie to feel as if she were crazy.

She furrowed her brows, beginning to think. Did this have something to do with the gunshot? The one she'd just heard not so long ago?

As she continued to walk in the direction everyone else had been walking in, she tried to look for the one person who could bring her comfort; Renfrow. "Ren!" She called out, beginning to earn stares. Her voice was raspy, as if she hadn't spoken in days, weeks even.

People stared at her as if she had gone mad, and she just gave them the same looks in return. She had no idea what was going on, or how she'd even gotten to the school. Where were her friends? And why was she wearing pajamas at school, she wondered as she noticed her mostly bare legs, feeling very naked around all the people.

She began to pick up her pace, following the crying students as the panic inside her began to rise. None of her friends were around, not Ben, Trystan, Jade, anyone. Everyone seemed to be absent. Charlie continued to make her way through the giant crowd of people, pushing anyone who tried to step in front of her but stopped immediately in her tracks, freezing as she saw the horrifying nightmare in front of her.

It was Ren's locker, decorated in memorial things. Flowers (none of which are even his favorite), photos, candles, you name it. It was like something you'd see out of a TV show or movie, but this was here in real life. Right in front of Charlie's eyes. The love of her life had somehow died, and the only thing she could've thought of was it was by a shooting.

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