Chapter Forty One

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Jade paced angrily back and forth in Tyler's bedroom, thinking of what to do next

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Jade paced angrily back and forth in Tyler's bedroom, thinking of what to do next. She didn't think everyone would bail on her, everyone except for the curly-headed boy who was staring at her from his desk chair as she stressed, and so she didn't know what to do now that she was almost on her own.

"You're making it worse for yourself," Tyler commented, letting out a deep breath as he sat his pencil on top of his homework he'd been workng on. Of course, he was still worried about everything going on with the photos and the case for Louise, but he still needed to put his homework first.

This only stressed Jade out even more, considering her only partner wasn't putting his full focus on the topic at hand, and so she pulled at the ends of her hair as she paced, thinking about how to get Nadia back even though at this point she wasn't even sure herself if it was Walden High's most popular IT girl.

"Jade, I'm being serious," Tyler sighed as he spoke up again, Jade not replying to him the first time he spoke up. He scooted his chair back and stood up, walking over to her so she'd stop pacing as it was beginning to make him nervous, and he could begin to see the imprints from her shoes in his soft, white carpet.

"There's just so much to do, Tyler!" She exclaimed suddenly, taking the boy by surprise as he took a step back from her. "We've lost everyone, as nobody wants to do it our way, they want to do it Charlie's way! And so it's just us two now, and with you focused on other things, it's mainly me!" She let out a deep breath, tapping her foot anxiously on the ground.

"Couple things," Tyler said as he smiled a soft smile. "First, we didn't officially lose everyone. I'm sure we'll all make up again. We just lost them for the case, because we want to approach things differently than them. And it's not all Charlie's way, and we both know that. We were all agreeing on it, until you decided you wanted to change things up a bit. And I'm just focused on homework... you know there's more to life than Louise Bauman, right?"

"This isn't just about fucking Louise!" Jade sighed dramatically, "Not everything's about fucking Louise, Jesus!"

"Okay, then why are you so determined to get back at Nadia when we're not even sure that it was her that did anything?" Tyler calmly asked, not phased by Jade's outburst.

"I just-" Jade stopped, glancing at Tyler. "I don't know," She admitted. "I guess with everyone caught up in the case, I got a little caught up in it too."

"Yeah, just try not to be caught up in it. Whoever did those shitty things to us sucks, but that doesn't mean we can't go around living life still. We still go to school, have home lives, live life. Charlie and Ren literally have a date to go on tomorrow, they're clearly not stopping their lives for Louise and they're the most caught up in this case more than any of us. Who's to say we can't be?" Tyler asked with a shrug, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I don't know, I just- I guess I knew how much the case meant to Ren and Charlie, and with the evidence showing it looked against me, plus I knew how much Louise meant to Trystan, I-"

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