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- You Found Me; The Fray - 

It took Charlie a while to get to her house, considering she was walking there. She didn't take as long as she thought she would, as she would jog every once in a while and after a moment her jog would turn into a full-on sprint. Charlie wasn't the best runner, but she was pretty athletic as she was on the soccer team at Walden High, so she got pretty far. Since she didn't have any water after chugging it all in Nadia's car after school, she felt extremely dehydrated. By the time she got about halfway to her house, her mouth felt so dry so she needed to stop, resting her hands on her knees as she bent over, catching her breath.

She began to wheeze again, realizing she was making her asthma act up. She hadn't managed to do this since her middle school years, as this was a secret nobody except for Kiya and Mikey knew about her. She didn't really want anybody to know this about her either, as she didn't feel it was too important. She didn't have it too bad, it only really got bad when she was out of breath to the point she couldn't breathe, and she pushed herself to the point where she wasn't getting enough air in her lungs. It also didn't help with how dehydrated she was, only adding to the issue.

Looking around, she realized she was in the middle of nowhere and she still had a while to go until her house. She was extremely shaky and her sight was slightly blurry, her breathing only getting worse as she continued to walk. It would only get worse from there, so the only thing she could do was push forward.

Of course to her luck, she'd forgotten to put her inhaler in her backpack as she usually doesn't need it. Her mother always tries to tell her to keep it with her 'just in case' she needs it, but Charlie always tells her mom she wouldn't ever need it. She usually doesn't, and she never thought that her mother would be right.

She continued to run despite the horrible feeling she felt. She dismissed herself as being dramatic and felt slight relief when she saw her neighborhood in the distance. She finally stopped as she began to get hot, her vision getting worse and the running getting to be too much. Charlie fell to her knees, wheezing louder as her head began to pound and she grew weak. Her eyes felt heavy and she suddenly felt this weight on her chest, and she pressed her hand to her heart, feeling it beating quickly.

Falling to the ground, Charlie's eyes began to roll to the back of her head as she felt as if she were going to pass out. She knew she needed to get to her house and get her inhaler, and also get to Tyler and Ren so she could get the information she needed, but she also knew she pushed herself over the edge this time.

It didn't even hit her she was lying on the side of the road, and that her phone was in her back pocket. She didn't have the strength to pull it out and call someone, as her arms felt like spaghetti noodles.

"Oh no, no, no." A very oddly familiar voice softly spoke, and before Charlie knew it her upper body was being lifted and dragged across the asphalt. It was painful, but she was being dragged out of the road it seemed.

She began to open her eyes, her voice gone due to her heavy breathing. She failed to see who was dragging her away, fear coursing through her as she had no idea where she was headed.

"Wh-where are y-you taking me?" Charlie asked, beginning to move in the person's grip. The person didn't reply but instead finished dragging her to her yard. Charlie felt like putty in the person's grasp, only making it harder for whoever was pulling her as they didn't seem like a giant person. She looked up, the person blurred by the sunlight. She couldn't see who it was, all she knew was that they were wearing a black hoodie and sunglasses. There was a distinct chin dimple on their face, the only detail she was able to make out through her blurred vision. Her breathing was still heavy, only making it worse for the other person.

Where is Louise Bauman? + Original, Book 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now