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- Out Of My League; Fitz and the Tantrums - 

"Yes, Jade. We will be there. We had to drive to Charlie's so she could shower and change, but we'll be there as soon as possible." Ren explained to Jade, who was on the other end of the phone. I'm not talking to you about this right now. It's not important- Jaiden, stop." 

Charlie didn't say anything and instead finished getting ready, not wanting to push her way into the pair's conversation. She was curious as she usually was, but it was none of her business.

It was the next day, and Charlie had ended up staying the night at Ren's the night before. Much to her surprise, her mother had let her since she really does believe that Ren is a good boy and she trusts Charlie and knows that she wouldn't do anything inappropriate. Not to mention since Ren had stayed the night at her house, it wouldn't do much to say no since they'd already slept in the same bed before. As long as there was parental supervision - which there was, both Ren's mom and dad - Carolyn was okay with it (which to Charlie didn't make much sense considering when Ren had stayed the night he came over when her mother was gone).

Charlie quickly slipped on some shoes, signaling to Ren that she was finally finished getting ready. The four were finally meeting in person to figure out what they had on Louise's case since they weren't able to meet after the fight with Trystan the day before. Charlie and Ren were running a little late due to sleeping in. Plus Charlie needed to run by her house to shower and change, which made them take even longer.

"Okay, we're coming. Bye." He hung up the phone without waiting for Jade to say anything, and he shoved his phone into his hoodie pocket. He got another text and rolled his eyes with a smile, "That was definitely Jade giving me crap for hanging up without letting her say bye."

"Okay, I need to grab my bag and shove all of my materials in it," Charlie said to herself as she walked over to her closet where her backpack was. Picking it up, she walked over to her desk where Ren picked up her mess of materials, throwing them into her backpack. She sent him a look and he shrugged, smiling a goofy smile at her.

"We're in a rush, and we're going to be messing with them at Granny's anyway." He told her, causing her to just shake her head. He continued shoving things in her backpack despite how unorganized it was, but she didn't argue with him as he was right, and they were in a rush.

After they finished she zipped her backpack up, and just as she was about to shove it on her back Ren took it from her, carrying it for her instead. He winked at her when she looked at him, causing her to blush. "Let's get out of here," He said as she grabbed her phone and house keys.

Ren and Charlie made their way out of the house after saying goodbye to Carolyn, who only sent a knowing smile to Charlie.  Charlie didn't react as they walked out, getting into the familiar blue jeep of Ren's. Charlie put her backpack on the floorboard before buckling up while she waited for Ren to get in and buckle up also. He soon started the vehicle and drove off in the direction of Granny's, almost immediately starting a conversation to make time go by.

"What's your favorite dish at Granny's?" Ren questioned, glancing over at the blonde. He drove with one hand, his right one resting on top of the middle section between their two seats.

"Uhh, definitely the breakfast special. You?" Charlie asked, looking over at him.

"Oh my God, country-fried steak meal!" He exclaimed, "Have you had it?"

"No, because I eat the breakfast special every time I go." She told him with a faint smile, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Okay, you have to have the country-fried steak meal." He held his hand up, his pointer finger and thumb connecting.

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