Chapter Fifty Eight

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It took forever for the group to actually split up after Tyler had told each of them their plans, and the main reason it had taken so long was for two reasons; waiting for Ocean Green and Eliza Bines to get to the hospital, and because Jade wouldn...

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It took forever for the group to actually split up after Tyler had told each of them their plans, and the main reason it had taken so long was for two reasons; waiting for Ocean Green and Eliza Bines to get to the hospital, and because Jade wouldn't stop complaining because he had sent her to a complete other town despite the fact that he was still stuck in the hospital. She just didn't understand why he had Benjamin and Mikey stay there with him, when she was more than capable of staying there with him and doing things for him if he needed her to.

But Tyler's argument was that this was something that he needed her to, and if they wanted to get their friends back, then she was going to need to stop complaining and listen.

Almost as soon as the two teenagers walked into the cramped hospital room, Jade grumbled as it was finally time for the group to split up. She knew it was the right thing to do, and she knew that Tyler was okay. The blueberry extract was gone and out of his system, quicker than it should have been. The ambulance got him to the hospital super quick, and if it weren't for his EpiPen he'd probably be stuck here longer than he already has to be. Honestly, he should be able to leave, but the doctors insist he stay here longer to do more check ups, just to be safe.

Tyler texted Jade the address and name of the woman that they were to go see, not giving them anymore information than that. All he told them when they asked was 'she'll explain when you get there'. It was odd he wouldn't even tell them much more than that, but if it went along with the absurd theory that the curly-headed boy had, then it was probably just a trip out of town for nothing, if you were to ask the icy-eyed girl yourself. She thought they were wasting time if they weren't just all searching for Charlie all together, but nobody cared to really ask for her opinion.

Jade, Trystan, Nadia, and Kiya all exited the hospital room with Ocean trailing behind them, immediately asking questions about what was going on, where they were going, and why everyone was splitting up. She was clearly clueless, knowing nothing and hadn't been filled in by Nadia, who just sent Jade a sheepish look when the girl sent her a dirty look.

"What car are we taking?" Ocean asked, "Can someone at least answer that question if you're going to answer any of my questions?" She looked between the others, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Look, we're going to answer your questions, okay drama queen?" Jade snapped, rolling her eyes. "We got an entire car ride ahead of us to answer all your damn questions."

"Jade," Trystan softly said. "You're right, we do. But like you said, we have an entire car ride. Don't be snappy and make things horrible for the rest of us."

Jade sighed, but knew that Trystan was right. She already didn't like the fact that she had to leave Tyler, and what was even worse was the fact that she had to sit in a car with not only Nadia but also Ocean. She'd gotten to the point to where she can slightly handle Nadia, but both Nadia and Ocean, together? She might as well be living in hell at this point.

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