Chapter Twenty Eight

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The girl stared at the wall, where the video of her played on repeat over and over

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The girl stared at the wall, where the video of her played on repeat over and over. Her face grew red, tears beginning to grow in her eyes as anger built up inside of her. Of course, it wasn't anything too bad that was shown on the video displayed in front of Walden High for everyone to see. It wasn't anything too embarrassing, but it was embarrassing enough for Charlie to feel sick to her stomach as all eyes landed on her.

"Chill, Cooper. It's not like we all didn't know your feelings for Hill anyway." A person commented as they passed by the blonde, noticing her reaction to the video. Her jaw dropped at the student, staring at them with wide eyes as she backed up slightly.

"I-" She began to say, but stopped when she realized she didn't know what to say.

The whispers throughout the lunchroom only grew louder, Charlie's tears only growing bigger. She knew that they were going to talk - and it wasn't just going to be about her stupid crush on Renfrow. It was going to be about every little thing she'd said in that stupid video Eliza had taken of her that night at the football thing, and now they were probably going to watch her and find any other reason to talk about anything they could.

Her chest began to feel heavy, and Charlie realized she couldn't take the stares and whispers no longer. She couldn't take staring at that video any longer. Walking over to where the light from the projector was coming from, she angrily ripped the cord out of the wall, causing the video to quickly stop. This only caused more staring and talking, but if it meant the video would stop - Charlie didn't mind.

"Who put the video on?" She asked, turning to the now quiet lunchroom. She looked around, seeing Eliza quietly sitting in the corner of the lunchroom, a frown sitting on her face. Before Charlie could question her, however, the other blonde got up and quickly left, making her look even more suspicious. "Who did this?" Charlie asked again, deciding not to follow after the other girl. She held up the cord to the projector, not noticing the blond boy walk up next to her.


"No, Mikey. Someone's fucking with us." She turned to him, tears in her eyes. "This isn't funny anymore."

"Just- just come on, it's okay." He quietly said side-glancing at the cafeteria at everyone who was whispering at the two.

By then, the cafeteria doors opened and in walked Renfrow, who immediately caused even more whispers. He noticed Charlie standing in the front of the cafeteria, Mikey next to her as he tried to calm her down - failing.

"This- this isn't okay!" Charlie exclaimed, failing to noticed the brown-haired boy that had walked into the room. "None of this is okay!" She cried, "Who put the video up?"

"You're crazy, Cooper," Ocean commented from her lunch table, causing the other girls and boys sitting at her table to snicker along with her. Mikey glared over at the brunette girl, only causing Ocean to roll her eyes as she wasn't intimidated by him at all. "I think you need a therapist."

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