Chapter Fifty Seven

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6:48 pm

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6:48 pm

It had been nearly three hours since Charlie had left unexpectedly from the hospital without telling anyone, and Ren was pacing back and forth, his hands running wildly through his hair as he tugged at the roots. Unhealthy, scary thoughts raced through his brain, ones that only made him freak out even more about everything going on. He couldn't calm down, because the one person that always managed to make him feel better about any situation was missing.

"You're making me nervous," Benjamin mumbled from one of the uncomfortable gray colored hospital chairs,  the boys soft eyes glancing up to Ren who finally stopped pacing to look at the boy sitting next to Trystan in the hospital room.

After about an hour or so after Charlie had left, they were finally all allowed to be in the room together without there being any type of time limit, and the friend group didn't hesitate to take that offer so they didn't have to wait in the waiting room any longer. They also needed to talk about what was going on with Charlie, which they'd yet to get anywhere with since Tyler was so preoccupied with his research.

"You're nervous?!" Ren exclaimed, his eyes wild as he was almost immediately shushed by some of the others in the tiny room. "My girlfriend just waltzed out of the hospital with nobody noticing her leaving, and she's yet to contact any of us!"

"Renfrow, I'm sure she's fine. It's Charlie, she was planning on doing something stupid, which she did." Tyler tried to tell the boy, which only infuriated Ren more.

"I'm telling you, it's been three hours since Charlie has contacted any of us. Not one of us has gotten a single phone call or text from her. We can't even call her now! Is- does that not scare you considering Louise has been missing for months now?" Ren asked, looking around everyone else in the room.

Nobody said anything, as they knew that the boy was right. Of course, he was ten times more dramatic about it considering he'd done everything in his power to keep Charlie from being hurt, or to disappear the way Louise had disappeared. Especially after all of the horrible nightmares the both of them had, for something to turn around almost immediately after and bite him in the ass and happen, he was almost angry.

His nightmares were basically warning him that Charlie was next, and he kept ignoring it. Instead of keeping Charlie safe the entire time and figuring out who was doing this, he just did exactly what the anonymous person wanted him to do and stayed away from her. Maybe things would've been different if he hadn't have fucked things up.

Deep down Ren knew that he shouldn't be blaming himself for this. Charlie was the one that left, Charlie was the one that knew it wasn't safe to go out there alone. But at the same time Charlie shouldn't have had to leave in the first place. She shouldn't have had to feel like they weren't getting anywhere, and most importantly she shouldn't be too afraid to walk down the street or wherever she was walking without being kidnapped or whatever could've possibly happened to her. So even though Charlie was the one to make the stupid decision to leave, Ren didn't blame her for anything. He blamed whoever was doing this.

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