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- Unbelievable; Why Don't We -

"How many showers did you say you had again?" Jade asked, watching as Kiya neatly hung up Charlie's pink sparkly dress next to the other dresses.

"We have three. My brother and I have our own bathrooms then my parents have a bathroom. But my brother's bathroom's vacant since he's in college." Kiya explained, turning to the two other girls. "My parents' bathroom is off-limits. But we do have mine and my brother's. I'll use Kris' bathroom since you'll both probably be more comfortable using my shower then you guys can fight over who's going to shower first." She pointed between Jade and Charlie, who looked at each other at the same time.

"Charlie can go ahead and go first," Jade spoke before Charlie could say the same. "She's had a long day, and I can finish setting up the rest of whatever you want me to while you're both in the shower."

"Great! Sounds perfect. Just set up each pair of shoes under each person's dress-" Kiya walked over to grab her towel and whatnot, "So my shoes under my dress, so on and so forth. Then put all the hair products together that you both brought with mine on my hair vanity, then same with makeup."

"How will we know what's what later on?" Charlie asked, "When it comes to separating our things?"

"Well, we obviously know our own hair and makeup products. But I mean you can at least still keep our stuff separated but still together. Like all the hair products together on my vanity but keep my stuff together, Charlie's stuff, then Jade's. Like as long as all the hair products are in one spot so we don't have to keep going back and forth." She explained further in detail.

"Oh, I get it." Jade nodded, "Yeah, I'll begin doing that while Charlie's showering, then when you guys get done if I'm not finished by the time you're done you guys can help." Jade waved a hand, "Go ahead and hurry though, we need to start getting ready."

Charlie and Kiya both took their separate ways and began taking their showers, leaving Jade on her own in Kiya's enormous bedroom to separate the hair and makeup products.

It wasn't long before Kiya was finished with her shower first, causing Jade to use Kiya's brother's restroom. It was usually Kiya who took the longer showers, and as Jade left to take her shower, Kiya decided to go check on Charlie, who had been awfully quiet.

Knocking on the door, she pressed her ear against the door lightly and frowned. "Charlie, you doing okay in there?" She asked.

"Uh- yeah, I'm-I'm fine." She heard Charlie's muffled voice. "I was just stuck thinking, sorry. Got distracted was all. I'll be out in a few moments."

Kiya pulled herself away from the door, straightening her tank top before sighing. "Okay, just checking in on you." She told the other girl. She turned away, going to finish separating everything.

It didn't take long, as Jade had just about finished when Kiya had gotten out, and the sound of Kiya's bathroom door opening caught her attention. She turned to see Charlie stepping out in a similar outfit - a tank top and shorts - her towel in her hand.

The outfit was just something to wear until they changed into their dresses, as they were putting their dresses on after they did their hair and makeup since they didn't want to get makeup on their clothes. It would also be way more comfortable to get ready in just the tank and shorts, which they all had agreed on.

"Just waiting on Jade to get out of the bathroom, I'm finishing up getting set up then we'll be ready," Kiya told Charlie as Charlie sat her towel up so it could dry before they left.

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