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- Easy; Camila Cabello -

"So now that we've gotten all of that serious shit out of that way," Jade said as she sat in the middle back seat. Charlie was in the passenger seat as Ren drove. "Tell me what the fuck is going on between you two before I take Charlie into a room, interrogate her and force her to tell me. Because one way or another I will figure it out and it's kind of fucked I'm literally both of your best friends and neither of you has said shit to either Trystan or me."

It was silent at first, neither Charlie nor Ren knowing what to say. Truth was, neither of them knew what was going on. They were friends, and that was it. There were just moments where it seemed as if they were more, and they obviously liked each other. They just weren't going to be vocal about it, and they didn't want to focus on that since they were so involved in the Louise case at the moment.

"We're friends." The two finally said at the same time, glancing at each other with a small smile. Both of their faces were bright pink, only proving that Jade was right and something was going on between the two.

"Bullshit, I saw you holding hands. And you're wearing his jacket. Friends don't do that shit. What, you guys fucking or something?" As soon as the last word came out of Jade's mouth Ren accidentally slammed on the brakes, his hand quickly reaching over to prevent Charlie from flying forward.

Jade, however, who wasn't wearing a seatbelt, flew forward into Ren's elbow, her forehead hitting it pretty hard. She groaned, earning a frustrated sigh from Ren.

"I always tell you to wear your seatbelt in my car, Jaiden." He scolded, "Also I didn't mean to slam on my brakes, I'm sorry."

"Maybe if you learned how to drive safely that wouldn't have happened!" Jade exclaimed, sitting back in her seat right. She buckled up anyway, rubbing her forehead. "Gonna have a bruise the size of your elbow on my damn forehead."

"First of all, I'm an amazing driver." Ren started, "Second of all, maybe if you watched your mouth you wouldn't have that bruise. And good, now I'll always be with you when you miss me." He smiled at her in the rearview mirror as the last part of his sentence let his lips, smiling even bigger when he saw the annoyed look on her face.

"I never miss you. Shut up." Jade muttered, knowing that Ren's smart comments were never-ending.

"You always do, shut up." He retorted, earning a groan from her.

"How much longer until we get to Trystan's? I don't think I can handle it anymore with you!" She exclaimed.

"You handle me all the time, but we'll be there in a few moments." Ren turned into yet another nice neighborhood, one that Charlie could only wish to live in.

With just her mother's job, she could never live in a neighborhood that Kiya, Ren, Jade, or Trystan lived in. Even if she were to quit school and get a job full time that paid minimum wage, that'd still barely get them a house this nice. It'd get a house nicer than the one they were currently living in if she did that, but definitely not as nice as the ones the others lived in.

"You still never answered my question." Jade spoke with a smirk, "Are you fucking or not?"

This time Ren waited until they pulled up to Trystan's since they were super close to his house, and once he had and Jade unbuckled he slammed on his brakes since he knew she almost always unbuckled just a tad too early - if she buckled up at all. He did the same as before and put his arm on Charlie's chest to prevent her from flying forward, Jade flying forward but instead of hitting Ren's elbow like before she fell to the floorboard. A loud groan escaped the girl's lips.

Where is Louise Bauman? + Original, Book 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now