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- Painkiller; Ruel - 
- Lowlife; That Poppy - 

"So let's start this from the beginning again, Mr. Hill." The officer - Officer Morrison - stared at Ren with narrowed eyes as Renfrow stood against the front of his jeep. The sunlight blared, shining on his face as he could almost barely see the fit officer in front of him.

It was the same officer who had announced to the school that they were closing Louise's case.

"Start what from the beginning?" Ren asked with a slight attitude in his tone. He glanced over, looking at Charlie who was being held by her mother as they were questioned by another police officer. He then looked at Jade, who was being questioned by yet another police officer.

Even though she hadn't gotten there until the tail end of everything, since she'd been there they still insisted on her giving a statement much to her dismay. She didn't show her dismay, however, as she wanted to support Charlie and Ren and saw how shaken up the blonde was, her shaky hands as she held onto her mother's arm tightly whenever Ren was finally pulled away from her to give a statement of his own.

"I've already told you everything, every little detail I know - can I go now?" He asked, looking back to Charlie who'd clung onto her mother as if her life depended on it.

He wanted nothing more than to walk over there and hug her and promise her that everything was going to be okay. Of course, he didn't know the future. But he wanted to do everything in his power to keep her safe, especially after hearing someone break into her house over the phone earlier that day.

Today was supposed to have been a good day - he was supposed to have shown up to Kiya's, pick the beautiful girl up, and see her in her amazing pink dress. They were supposed to share their first dance at Walden High for the very first time and share laughs and giggles, spending time with their friends. This wasn't supposed to happen, none of it.

"Mr. Hill, I know it's frustrating to repeat the same things over and over again, I just don't understand how you happened to get to Miss Cooper so quickly-"

Ren's eyes snapped over to Officer Morrison, his brows furrowed as he uncrossed his arms. "What?" He asked, "That's what you're worried about? You're not worried about the fact that- that there's someone who tried to break into her house and they got away?"

"I'm aware that the person is still out there, Renfrow." Officer Morrison held a hand up in defense, "It's just looking at the records, you live on the other side of town. Did you just happen to be passing through?"

"No, I didn't. But I called her as soon as she told me something was going on. Want to see the texts?" He sarcastically asked, raising his eyebrows. "Charlie told me she was freaked out so I called her, then as soon as I heard something weird over the phone I raced over, she didn't even have to ask me to come. I knew she was home alone and I wasn't going to let something happen to her. Shouldn't you be - I don't know - worried about Charlie?"

Officer Morrison took one last glance at Renfrow, a look on his face that Ren couldn't decipher before back at the worried girl who was standing with her mother. "Right. Of course, we want to round things up as you guys have a dance to get to. And you're going with Miss Cooper, correct?" Officer Morrison questioned, pointing a finger in Charlie's direction.

In any other circumstance, Ren's cheeks would heat up, and he'd begin to gush about the beautiful girl that he was glad to be calling his date at the dance. He'd jump at any chance to talk about Charlie, but this moment just seemed... different.

Where is Louise Bauman? + Original, Book 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now