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- Nightmare; Halsey -

It was finally Saturday - the day of the homecoming dance. Charlie woke up in her bed, looking over to see Jade still asleep beside her. Sitting up, she stretched and stood out of bed, trying her best not to wake her friend as she decided to start the day with something to eat.

The day had been all planned out - they were going to spend the day hanging out until it was time to get ready for the dance, where the boys would get ready at Renfrow's, and the girls would get ready at Kiya's. Then, they'd all separate in different vehicles and ride to the dance, where they'd meet up once again and spend the night having fun.

Pouring some cereal into a bowl, Charlie yawned as if she hadn't just woken up from at least a seven-hour sleep, her tired eyes searching in the fridge for the carton of milk when she'd finished setting the cereal onto the counter.

After successfully finding the milk, she almost dropped it onto the floor as she saw Jade standing in the kitchen, stretching her arms over her head. "What time is it?" She asked, her eyes almost closed.

"I think just a little after eleven," Charlie spoke. "Want some cereal?"

Jade nodded, and Charlie sat the carton of milk down next to her cereal as she pulled an extra bowl from the cabinet. She repeated her actions from before, Jade's eyes on her as she walked over and stood next to the kitchen counter.

"You think tonight's going to go well?" She then asked the blonde, her voice soft. It was unusual for Jade to speak that way, and it threw Charlie off as she looked at her best friend.

She just shrugged, passing a bowl to Jade as she began putting the cereal and milk away. After grabbing some spoons and handing one to the other girl, she picked her bowl up, walking into the living room to the couch. "Who knows anymore at this point." She finally answered, sitting down.

Jade followed behind, sitting down next to Charlie as Charlie grabbed the remote. She turned the TV on, the news channel showing the highlights from the football game the night before. Jade rolled her eyes as Charlie just switched channels, finally leaving it on the next channel, which was just some early afternoon cartoons.

"That'll do." Charlie shrugged, setting the remote down so she could eat her cereal before it got soggy.

"I think I'll leave after I eat, so I can head home and shower. I'm sure Kiya will want us over extra early to get ready." Jade sighed after moments of silence, and Charlie looked over at the girl.

"Why do you even dislike Kiya?" Charlie asked, her mouth full of cereal. "I'm asking not to upset you but because I'm genuinely curious."

"You're always curious, Charlie." Jade rolled her eyes, "I don't know."

"Exactly. Do you even have anything against her? You guys seemed to get along yesterday." Charlie mumbled, spinning some cereal around in her bowl.

"Okay, that was different." Jade held up a finger in defense.

"No, it wasn't. You guys were talking, sitting by each other. And you weren't making fun of her for being preppy or wanting to rip her head off. I don't see the problem." Charlie made a gesture, causing Jade's lips to purse together.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Now you know how I feel," Charlie spoke with a smirk, causing Jade's cheeks to burn red. "I'm just saying, Jade. She's part of our little group now, whether you like it or not. Things have changed. And I think you should give her a chance. I mean, you're friends with Tyler now. And you were quick to give him a chance."

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