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- Scrawny; Wallows -
- New Perspective; Panic! At The Disco -

The car ride to Kiya Daniels' house was just as silent as it was when the two walked in the hallway, but neither Ren nor Charlie seemed to mind. They both enjoyed each other's company, and this was the most they'd really gotten to be alone together since the main time they ever interacted was during school or when Kiya used to drag Charlie along to parties.

Ren repeatedly stole glances over at Charlie, admiring how she just tapped her fingers along her thighs to the light music playing over the radio. "You uh, you a fan of this type of music?" He questioned, deciding to actually spend this moment talking to her instead of missing an opportunity to get to know her. It wasn't that he didn't know her, it was just that he wanted to get closer to her, and wasting a perfect opportunity like this would haunt him forever.

In his mind, he'd already wasted too much time. It's the perfect moment to seize the moment, something he usually had no trouble doing.

"I just- I hear it all the time on the radio in the car with my mom. It's okay," Charlie answered. "How about you?"

"It's alright. I usually connect my phone to the aux, but I haven't even thought about doing it today." Ren reached into his pocket, pulling his phone out. "If you want you can hook it up and look through my music, see if there's anything on there you like."

Charlie was surprised that he just handed his phone to her without a care, but didn't say anything as she grabbed the cord, hooking it up. His screen lit up, showing a selfie of him and Trystan, causing her to smile lightly.

"What's your password?" She then asked, looking up at him.

"Zero-one-two-three," Ren answered, glancing at her. "January twenty-third. My birthday."

"Nice," She responded, typing the numbers in. His home screen popped up, another photo of Trystan and Ren but instead of just the two of them, it was all of their jock buddies. She smiled at the sight of Ren, all smiley and cute in the photo. He definitely stood out compared to everyone else, and when you first took a look at him it looked as if he didn't belong. As if he belonged somewhere else, not with a bunch of jerk jocks that bully other students.

But that was because Renfrow Hill wasn't like that. He never once ever bullied anyone, and if he witnessed anyone getting bullied - whether it be at school, on the way home, or at the mall. And whether it be by people he knew or even his best friend - he would stop them. He'd do everything in his power to make the bully know that what they were doing wasn't okay and that the person being bullied was fine.

He was popular for many reasons. A big reason was how charming and attractive he was, on top of the fact he was a straight-A student with a 4.0 GPA. Ren did anything he could for anyone and spent all of his free time doing things that weren't just wasting time in his eyes.

Charlie looked through his music, finding a lot of the songs she finds herself listening to on her own time. She smiled as she clicked one of her favorite ones, a giant smile growing on Ren's face as he heard what she'd picked.

"Wallows?" He questioned as she locked his phone, putting it into the center console. She blushed, suddenly feeling insecure about her choice of music even though she had been looking through Ren's playlist. It was obviously something he listened to also, otherwise, they probably wouldn't be added to his liked songs. "They- they're great! I listen to them all the time." He then added, seeing the look of unsureness on her features.

"Do you really?" Charlie asked, looking over at the boy. "Cause you don't sound so sure."

"Okay, yeah-no. I don't. Trys put that song on my phone and so that's literally the only song I know." Ren admitted, glancing over at the girl as he drove the long drive to Kiya's.

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