Chapter Thirty Seven

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The next day, things were different

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The next day, things were different. Ren, Charlie, Ben, and Mikey were all on edge. Of course, they hadn't told the others in the group exactly what happened - no matter how much it bugged them to tell them. It caused friction in the group, the others to worry, and even slight anger as they thought it was 'secrets' between half of the group. But it wasn't that they were keeping secrets from them, it was just that it wasn't safe to tell them.

All they did was warn the others to be careful, letting them know it wasn't safe to talk about anything that had to do with Louise or anything to do with what's going on with the Nadia drama. All of their secrets had to be kept hidden, and they needed to wait to talk about anything until they got to Trystan's after school that day.

Charlie was the most on edge out of everyone. She was the one that received the photos - and she's the one that currently held them. She looked at everyone as if they all were responsible for putting them on top of her mother's car, and she didn't talk to anyone unless she was spoken to or they were someone in her specific friend group.

"Charlie, you're making it obvious something's wrong. You realize that, right?" Mikey asked as he walked alongside her. They didn't have any classes together this semester, but since they both needed to get something out of their lockers after their last class before lunch, they decided to walk together since their lockers were close to each other.

"What? What are you talking about?" Charlie asked, holding her books tightly to her chest.

"You're acting weird." Mikey shrugged, "Like, everyone's noticed. And I mean, everyone. And I know the others are kinda butthurt we're not telling them what's going on but they can still notice. If you don't want to be photographed or anything, don't act weird."

Charlie sent Mikey a glance, causing the blond boy to roll his eyes. "You know what I mean. I mean weird as in suspicious weird. As in, you're making everyone think you're on crack."

"I am not," Charlie denied, earning another look from Mikey. "Okay, maybe a little. But Mikey, can you blame me after everything that's happened? I'm scared to do anything or go anywhere. I feel targeted everywhere I go and I'm scared to even be talking to you about this right now. It's ridiculous. I had my first kiss, and that special moment was stolen from me because of some crazy stalker."

Mikey stopped in the empty hallway causing Charlie to stop also. He looked down both ways, seeing it was just the two of them in the hallway. Charlie repeatedly looked also, her paranoia getting the best of her. "Charlie, look at me." He told her, catching her attention. "I get you're paranoid. And I don't blame you. That- that sucks. Your first kiss is something special. I mean, especially in your situation. You got lucky. But a lot of people don't even honestly remember their first kiss, so honestly in a way you can at least just say you can be lucky that you'll always remember this."

"Seriously, Michael?" Charlie asked, disbelief written on her face.

"No, don't take it the wrong way, Charlie." Mikey shook his head, "I mean. Yeah, it was supposed to be something special like a fairytale. But this is real life, not fiction. Things happen. But think of it this way; at least it was Ren that it happened with, and not some jock who's going to break your heart into little pieces. Eventually, you'll grow up and forget your first kiss ever, right? At least you'll definitely remember that first kiss forever. Sure, it sucks that someone ended up seeing it that night. But hey, at least you didn't get heartbroken over it." He shrugged.

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