CHAPTER 17: the tesco trip

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judd came back with two glasses of water and took the no longer spinning record off the turntable. he passed me a glass and i sipped it eagerly. i was thirsty as fuck, to be honest. i remembered i had a monster in my bag too and got it out. i shared it with judd and we decided we were going to out for a walk.

we trekked out of his estate and on a few sides of pavement until we reached my favourite fuckin place to go, big tesco. we took a trolley and went in. we hadn't spoken about how long i was going to stay at his house, but judging from the amount of stuff we got, i was going to be there a while. i got into the trolley and he swung me round all the aisles. we pissed off so many old people, throwing condoms at them, and laughing our fucking heads off as we did it. a tesco worker had to come over and tell us to stop because we were making so much noise.

the trolley was overflowing. we got loads of chocolate and sweets, pot noodles, stacks and stacks of monster, like 5 new lighters, a few packets of filter and rolling papers, and like 2 baccy pouches. the cashier was a young woman, and she smirked at judd and didn't id him. i felt a pang of jealousy run through me but i just decided to leave it. judd paid for it all. i felt guilty but to be fair, i had nothing. we didn't have any way of bringing all the stuff home, so we ran off with the trolley the second that the security guard who was stood outside looked away.

he ran after us but stopped after about half a minute. judd was pushing the trolley and i had my arm looped around the hole he'd formed by his elbow holding the trolley. i felt so free. life with judd was just laughter and no regret or remorse. we got back to his house and carried all the things into his room.

i was exhausted at this point, so i threw my bag onto judd's bed and pulled out some sweats and a hoodie. i took my clothes off with no hesitation and pulled my sweats on and my hoodie over my head. judd watched but i didn't mind. i went to his en suite and wiped my make up off lazily before coming back into the room. i got right into his bed without asking and felt him get in too. he switched the light off, set an alarm, and i drifted off to sleep, in his arms.

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