CHAPTER 25: brooklyn

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we got to the shopping centre and judd parked. i grabbed my bag from the back seat and hopped out, readjusting my skirt and hair as we strode through the double doors into the centre. i pointed to a clothes shop and judd nodded.

i'd been to this centre a few times, so i knew it vaguely. we walked around a few aisles in the shop before a short girl appeared out of my profileral vision. she had split dyed hair, flared jeans, and a knitted graphic jumper on. she was clutching a small bag, and staring at judd.

i turned to him to see if he was looking back and to my surprise, he was. a pang of anger shot through me - but i huffed it off and tugged on him to keep walking. he craned his neck at me and frowned.

'that's my old mate from lower school faggot, what's up?'

i breathed out and just shrugged. he walked towards the girl and ruffled her hair.

'hey lauren, fuck me it's been years init?'

she shoved him jokingly and smiled.

'missed you you dick, who's this?'

i moved my weight to one leg and peered at her with my hand leant one of my hips.

'i'm stass, nice to meet you.'

she forced a smile through her painted black lips and turned back to judd. something in me ticked. i let go of judd and walked straight towards the exit.

that girl was a cunt, no doubt about it. of course i was jealous, she was intimidating, especially as they'd known each other before i knew judd. i walked out of the centre without stopping for thought and walked until i found a park.

i saw a tall slide with an empty sheltered floor on the top and climbed to the top of it. i sat down and reached for my bag before i realised there was a shaggy blonde teenager sat against the wood.

'who the fuck are you?'

'um lol sorry i didn't know you were here..?' i panicked, pulling my hand away from my bag and turning to the exit. before i could move a foot down he latched his hand around my arm.

'nah stay, you seem chill. you smoke?'

i nodded and pulled a cigarette out, and he did the same. he flicked his lighter only for it to produce a flame not strong enough to light his cig.

'here.' i said, moving towards him.

'lean down, i'll light it.'

he nodded and leant down. i flicked my clipper and it lit instantly. i lit mine and we both took a few deep hits before cracking into a conversation.

'so. age? name? and, what the fuck are you doing here?'

'16 in like 3 months. i'm called anastasia, but everyone calls me stass. i was out shopping with my boyfriend and he started hitting on some random girl from his lower school lol so i came here for some nic.'

'sounds rough. i'm brooklyn. fucktard name, i know. i'm 17, but just turned it a few weeks ago, so don't freak out. i live just a few streets away and this is my smoke spot, so this is why i'm here.'

'cool name lol.' i shot back. i wasn't gonna lie and say he wasn't attractive, because he was. he had light stubble and his hair was barely brushed. it was a dirty blonde and his dark eyebrows stuck out of his skin to shade his blue eyes. he stared at my clothes and lightly laughed.

'sick style, by the way. i love the tights. hope my outfit isn't too bad.'

i laughed and took the last few hits of my cig.

'no lol, those jeans are cool. i like the hoodie, didn't expect you to be a peep fan ngl.' i added.

'thanks, it's my sisters, she's my twin lol. we kind of just share clothes, especially hoodies.'

'i get you 100%.' i replied, stubbing out my cig on the long pillars behind me, holding up the slide.

'i don't have anybody to share clothes with apart from my boyfriend. my sister is too young and we have completely different styles. i should really text judd - he'll wonder where i am.'

'judd huh.' brooklyn said, pulling another cig out of his trampled pack. 'he seems prestige. can i at least get your number so we can hang out again sometime? i'll bring my speaker, i can be fun i promise.'

i laughed and rolled my eyes, typing my number into his cracked phone.

'cheers stass. run off to your boyfriend then.'

'i will. thanks for the chat.'

i climbed down the slide and left. i turned back to smile at him as he waved. he seemed super nice to be fair, and i did need more friends, since m's attendance in my life was worse than mine in my history lessons. i went back to the shopping centre to find judd, with a nic rush still pounding through my head.

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