4 - He's pretty

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"Hey Swami, look who's back!" Jiyeong smiled, looking outside the door.

Swami slightly blushed at the sight of Joshua with a boy.

"Fuck, I think he's gay."

"What even-"

"Look how pretty the other boy is!"

"Oh my, true..." Jiyeong looked at the male walking next to Joshua. "I wonder what he eats to be that pretty."

The two walked in the shop, ordered two americano and sat at a table. Swami hid behind the staff's door, so as not to see Joshua and blush. Does she like him? We will never know... maybe.

"Swami, come out of there."

"Why?" She slightly opened the door.

"Joshua is not gay. He was looking for someone, and I think that's you." Jiyeong slightly smirked.

"You're lying."

"Yah, you know me too well!" Jiyeong rolled her eyes as Swami giggled.

"Jiyeong! Look how... tiny!"

Two boys were about to enter the shop, one was way shorter than the other. They entered as they were talking, it seemed about something important.

"Welcome to Cartor coffee shop, how can I help you?" Jiyeong showed again her beautiful smile.

The boys bowed and so did Jiyeong.

"Two mocha iced latte, thank you." The shorter boy spoke.

Jiyeong smiled again and started working.

"So... what about we go to the park and listen to some tunes? I made some but... I don't know, they are trashy."

"Ok now tell me what's trashy for you."


After being served, the two boys sat on a table near the counter and continued talking about music until the taller one spoke up.



"Tell me it's a vision."

The tiny boy turned to the table where Joshua and the pretty boy were sitting.

"Which one?"

"The pretty one."

"I see." Jihoon smiled and turned to the other boy. "And Choi Seungcheol is whipped again." He giggled.

"He's pretty, pretty gorgeous to be honest."

The younger couldn't help but laugh.



"Mh?" She hummed while cleaning the counter.

"Why are our clients mostly males?"

"Maybe because we are hot."

They both laughed.

"Or maybe because this is a magic place."

"But why does it seem like they are all gay?"


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