31 - Jealousy (naEgA aNiN)

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As Wonwoo was sipping some coffee alone, a girl approached him. She bowed and smiled at him.

"Hi, I'm Sichung."

"I'm Wonwoo, glad to meet you." He smiled back.

"Can I sit here? Would you mind?"

"I'm waiting for my friends, but before they arrive, sure." Wonwoo nodded.

The girl sat in front of him with her hot chocolate between her hands.

"Isn't it hot to drink hot chocolate?"

"I like it too much, I can't help but get it." The girl giggled.

What Wonwoo didn't know was that Sichung wanted to know him better, and maybe, with time, become more than a friend. The few times she went to the coffee shop she often saw Wonwoo and decided to take courage and go talk to him.

"And shouldn't you drink a smoothie then?"

"Well, coffee is coffee." He smiled and the girl giggled.

Little did he know, as soon as Mingyu and Minghao entered the shop, they saw Wonwoo sitting with the girl. Mingyu felt betrayed, turned on his heels and walked away.

"Mingyu!" Minghao tried to call him, but the boy didn't turn around.

"MINGYU!" He shouted, but being the quiet person he is it was not enough to make Mingyu stop. He started running behind him, but Mingyu ran away faster than him. Minghao saw him searching for the earpieces in his pocket and he knew what Mingyu wanted to do.

When Minghao walked back to the coffee shop, Wonwoo noticed him, so he greeted the girl and walked to him.

"You are a stupid man."

"What- why?" Wonwoo looked at the thin boy in confusion.

"Don't you know Mingyu is a pretty jealous person? He saw you all giggling with that girl and thought of the worst."

"Oh shit..."

Seventeen Café {Coffee Shop AU}Where stories live. Discover now