29 - I hate y'all

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Minghao was sitting with Mingyu at the table. They came first that day and decided to wait for everyone while looking at their phones and sipping their drinks. Sad to know that Mingyu's plan was another one.

Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Joshua walked in the coffee shop, greeted Jiyeong by the counter and Swami taking orders and went to sit with the two boys. The atmosphere already started to look like a police interrogatory without even starting.

"But hi children of God, how are you my boys?" Jeonghan smiled jokingly and sat next to Minghao.

"We were good, then you came." Minghao looked up from his phone to grin at the older.

"What a lame chick." Jeonghan pouted.

"Minghao, can I ask you a thing?" Joshua said, and in that moment he looked like an angel who wanted to ask for directions in Paradise.

"Shoot." He nodded.

"Do you like Junhui? Like, even a little little bit?"

Minghao rolled his eyes.

"I knew I shouldn't have come here today." He muttered, then looked at the boys in front of him. "I was expecting it, not from you though." He pointed at Mingyu with a grin on his face. "You could've just told them."

"Tell them what? You didn't even say it to me...?"

"Oh I didn't?" Minghao looked confused.

In fact, he didn't tell anyone. He was still not sure about his feelings. He only liked Junhui because of his looks and his way of complimenting him out of nowhere, but what else? His feelings seemed not to grow and, as a deep and thoughtful person he is, Minghao didn't want to give it a try. Even though the older boy would even try to steal the Mona Lisa just to get his attention and a giggle at his sentence.

"I... don't know. You know what? I have mixed feelings. I know Junhui likes me, probably too much. I'm not an angel as he thinks, I am not as perfect as he thinks I am. If you ask me if I like Jun... how should I answer, when I am not sure and he's in love with the conception he has of me in his head? We never hung out together out of this coffee shop, he doesn't know me that much. He doesn't know about my flaws, my everyday life, the details I enjoy and the things I hate. He doesn't know. And the fault is also mine, because, since I am doubtful, I won't give him a chance. But what should I do if I'm not sure about my feelings?"

Everyone stayed silent. No one dared to look up at him when his speech got way more deep than they thought it would become.

"And now you are not helping me. You know what? I hate y'all. This remains between us, and I will probably forgive you way sooner than you think. We are friends, but right now I hate you. Let me just go into my head and resolve my problems in my daydream now, thanks."

His voice broke and his eyes became wet. He layed his arms on the table and buried his face in the space made by his elbow. He started silently sobbing, but everyone knew he didn't want to be comforted. The boys silently greeted Mingyu, who stayed with the boy if he ever wanted an hug or some words to help, and walked out of the shop.

"Y'all, no meeting today. We fucked up the whole thing."

"What did you do?"

"Let me explain somewhere else"

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