35 - Should we do this together?

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"JeongCheol for life and Seunkwan's handsome ass o.O" gc

"Guys, I'm having a problem with Maths"

"You're still in school?????"

"Yeah oooooof"

"You stupid, ask Seungkwan"

"He can even do Maths?"

"There's a lot of things you don't know about him"
"Up to you get to know them"

"K thanks"


"Can you help me with Maths?"

"Hey, I'm not some kind of genius that can do Maths like that"
"I needa photo"


"Can we meet?"
"I need to know what you've done in Maths until now"

"You can come to my dorm"

"What no-"
"Isn't it illegal?"

"They do parties full of alcohol here and no one minds"
"I guess it isn't a big problem if I bring a friend"

"Ok then..."


"Be there in 30"



"Hi!" Seungkwan smiled widely when Hansol opened the door of his room.

"Hi, and sorry but I'm really struggling and my roomate is drunk sleeping in someone else's room and won't come back before tomorrow." The younger chuckled.

"Don't worry, it's ok." Seungkwan smiled.

"Ok then," Hansol closed the door behind Seungkwan. "let me bring a chair."

Seunkwan nodded and got closer to the little table under the window, where Hansol's books were.

"Sorry, had to do something else in the last 30 minutes while waiting for you." He placed a chair right next to his and took the book he needed.

"It's ok."

Hansol opened his exercise book, showing the complicated math question. Seungkwan analyzed it and sat on the chair next to Hansol's.

"Should we do this together?"

Hansol nodded and Seungkwan started explaining. He looked at him in awe.

"You're pretty." Hansol interrupted.

"Are you even- aish, this guy!" Seungkwan passed both his hands trough his hair and blushed as Hansol giggled.

"Are you really struggling with Math?"

"I found the answer while texting you, but I still wanted you to come, so I didn't tell you."

Seungkwan giggled, placing his hand on his forehead and shaking his head.

"Why would you even do this?"

"Because I like... your company?" Hansol slightly smiled.

"Are you asking me or?"

"No, no" he giggled.

"What should we do then?"

"Let's go for a walk? Let's play truth or dare? Let's cry? Let's watch a film?"

"You are so stupid."

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