14 - Josh...

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"Ok, today's the day!" Swami said as she was putting on some makeup in the staff's room.

"I noticed, you've never been this gorgeous before." Jiyeong smiled widely.

"Shut up!" Swami giggled.


"Hi Joshua!" Jiyeong smiled widely at the boy.

"Hi, how are you?"

"I'm fine, also, Swami wanted to talk to you... privately..."

"Oh, I see." He nodded. "Where is she?"

"I think she's taking an order, let me call her-"

"No, don't worry, I will go to her. Thank you." Joshua smiled to Jiyeong and turned around, seeing Swami talking to an old man at a lonely table. He slightly smiled, looking at the girl, and walked up to her.

"Oh, hi Joshua!" Swami smiled widely at his sight with a little post-it in her hand. "One minute and I'll come, ok?"

The boy nodded and smiled again. Swami handed the post-it to Jiyeong and walked back to him.

"Let's go somewhere private, but I don't know where..."

"There's a park near here, we could sit on a bench."

"Sure!" Swami smiled.

"Ok, let's go!" Joshua said in English and headed out of the coffee shop, looking kinda impatient to hear what Swami had to say.

"Why does this look like a date?" Joshua giggled while walking.

"It isn't a date!" Swami crashed in a nervous laugh.

Silence remained between the two. Awkward.

"We're almost there." Joshua affirmed and Swami nodded, but the tension between the two didn't go away anyway.

The awkward silence finally stopped after five interminable minutes, when they sat on a bench. Swami looked very nervous.

She took a deep breath and pressed her lips one on the other as her chest was actually aching.

"Joshua... I wanted to talk to you like this because I have something to tell you..."

The girl took another deep breath and Joshua started worrying.

"Do you need me to hold your hand?"

Swami denied with her head.

"You sure?"

Swami nodded.

"Like very very sure?"

"Is it you who wants to hold my hand?" Swami giggled as her green eyes looked into the boy's ones.

"Maybe..." Joshua looked down and slightly blushed.

"Hold my hand then, dummy!" Swami giggled again. She felt slightly less nervous all of a sudden, maybe it was the magic of the boy in front of her.

Joshua timidly moved an hand and held Swami's one in his. Swami looked at their hands together and slightly blushed, then her green eyes looked again into the boy's ones.

"Ok so... we've known each other for a month now, and I have to say you looked different from our other clients since the first day you came to the counter. You probably had me at the first gaze you gave me, but I didn't give it much attention, wondering if I would ever see you again. But then, you came back one, two, three times, and the subtle feeling I had grew on me little by little as the days passed. I don't care if you don't accept this -well, I actually care- but it's ok if you don't feel the same..."

Swami took another deep breath and lowered her gaze, but then felt Joshua interwine their fingers. She slightly smiled and with that touch she found the courage to go on with her speech.

"I thought a lot, about how I felt, about you and about us. I thought many times..."

Swami suddenly looked into the boy's eyes.

"And I think I like you Joshua." She smiled weakly as her lips trembled.

The boy smiled and looked at their hands, then gazed into the girl's eyes and caressed her cheek.

"Funny because... I guess it will take me some time, but I started to feel the same thing, my dear Swami." He smiled widely and made Swami do the same.

"So... should we give this a try?

"Let's give it a try."

"And should we keep this a secret?"

"If you want to, we can, until we'll become a real couple." Joshua nodded.

Swami layed her head on his shoulder and smiled widely.

"What if it doesn't work..."

"I'm sure it will work, Swami." He gave a little kiss on her forehead and smiled.

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