34 - Still playing hard to get

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"So... you two are boyfriends??" Seungkwan asked, still shocked.

"Yes, yes we are. How many times should I tell you?" Mingyu chuckled.

"And I'm still single." Jihoon pointed out.



"Hey Junhui." The boy slightly smiled.

"How are you?"

"Life goes on, you?"

"I'm in Paradise because I get to see you."

"You see me almost everyday."

"That's it then, I'm dead and you are the angel that has been assigned to me."

"I am not an angel Junhui, when will you understand this?"

"But you are perfect, good and gorgeous, just like an angel." Junhui pouted.

"I'm not perfect Junhui." Minghao chuckled. "No one is."

"You made an exception."

"No, believe me. I'm not that good, I'm not perfect and I'm not an angel either."

"How can I prove that's not true?"

"Get to know me."

"But you don't give me a chance to do it."

Minghao bit his lower lip.

"I could get to know you if you let me, mystical vision."

"Oof." Minghao giggled. "You and your compliments."

Junhui stared. He wondered how could he make that guy his. He had been trying for two months with the only result to hear him giggle.

"Junhui? Uh, here we go again."


"Stop staring at me!"

"And you stop playing this hard to get, I know you secretly like being stared at!" Junhui pouted and walked away.

Minghao chuckled and muttered to himself. "You are right, I like being stared at, but only if it's you doing it."

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