20 - Where do you buy your glasses?

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"Hey Wonwoo!" Mingyu reached the boy, who was sipping his coffee alone, with an elbow resting on the counter.

"Hi." He looked up and slightly smiled.

"Can I ask you something real quick?"

"Sure." Wonwoo nodded.

"Where do you buy your glasses?"

"What- you need glasses too?"

"We all know they are fake." Mingyu chuckled. "It's just because they look good on you, and I wondered if they would look good on me too."

"No need to buy a pair then." Wonwoo smiled and slowly picked his glasses, got them off and looked up at the boy. He timidly handed them to Mingyu and slightly blushed, looking away.

"My glasses are actually real, they just look fake. I just don't want everyone to know."

Mingyu held the glasses in his hand.

"Why? Is that a problem?"

"It kinda is..."

"I see."

Mingyu nodded and delicately put on Wonwoo's glasses.

"You look better without them, to be honest." Wonwoo giggled.

"They look better on you for sure." Mingyu smiled and gave the glasses back to the boy.

"Nah, they don't." Wonwoo shook his head and put his glasses back on.

"You know they do." Mingyu smiled. "And also one of my sweaters would look better on you."

Wonwoo looked at him concerned for a pair of seconds and then chuckled.

Minghao suddenly appeared behind the tall guy.

"No I mean, please just, no."

Seventeen Café {Coffee Shop AU}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu