50.3 - JeongCheol's date

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"Babe, let's go to my house."

"You really want to make out, don't you?"

"Oh, daddy."

"SHUT UP!" Seungcheol giggled loudly, covering his face with the hand that wasn't holding Jeonghan's.

"Just drive me home, we'll think about what to do later."

Seungcheol nodded and brought Jeonghan to his house. The younger locked the door behind them and attached his lips to Seungcheol's ones as soon as possible. They smiled in the kiss and Seungcheol's hand made way into Jeonghan's hair. The younger stopped the kiss after a dozen of seconds.

"Should we eat something?" Jeonghan asked, resting his forehead on Seungcheol's one.

"No, I'm not hungry, and you?"

"I want to eat something special..."

"Not this joke again, please." Seungcheol giggled.

Jeonghan smiled and cupped both of Seungcheol's cheeks, giving a pair of pecks on his lips.

"Let's just watch something on TV."

"But we know we are not going to watch what's on." The older giggled.

"Right." Jeonghan smiled as he held Seungcheol's hands and guided him on the sofa.

He sat on the older's legs, turned on the TV and left it talking while he pressed his lips on Seungcheol's ones again and again.

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