38 - Secret date

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Joshuji ♡
"Hey babe, let's go out after"

Babe ♡
"Babe fjdjeiejej"

"Cute, you're blushing"

"Everyone is looking at me"
"Fuck u Joshuji :)"

"Fuck me ;)"

"btw I'm on it, let's have fun"

"What type of fun? O.o"

"You stupid little bitch"
"Why do I even love you?"



"Honey, do you think Jihoon has a crush?" Swami asked, holding Joshua's hand in the park near her home.

"I think he does, but I won't force him to tell us like Jeonghan wants to do." Joshua giggled. "He looks like an angel but he is the devil in person."

"I noticed." Swami chuckled.

"Imagine that when I first saw him I kinda had a crush on him. Long story, you don't want to know the bromance between me and Jeonghan."

"Oh I want to know instead!"

"No." Joshua shook his head, smiling.

"Not even if I bring you to my house?" Swami pouted.


"Not even if I bring you to my house and let you cuddle me in bed while telling the story?"

"Ok fine, I'll tell you."

"Yay!" Swami smiled widely. "You know I love you." She smiled again and gave a kiss on Joshua's cheek.

"Can we watch the sunset from your place?"

"Sure we can!"

"Perfect, because it will make everything more magical!"


"I'm tired." Swami said opening the door of her little studio.

"Let me carry you then." Joshua smiled widely and opened his arms.

"If I didn't have you..." Swami shook her head smiling and threw her arms around Joshua's neck while he carried her, holding her tight.

"My bedroom is there." Swami pointed to the room at her left.

Joshua took her in and gently layed her on her bed.

"Sir, I want you to do this every night."

"No need to ask twice." Joshua giggled.

"Come on, come cuddle me and tell me this korean drama, I'm so curious."

Joshua chuckled and layed next to Swami, who hugged him as soon as his back touched the covers. He let Swami's cheek lay on his shoulder and delicately caressed her hair.

"It all started when I first came here in Korea, in 9th grade. I started high school here and Jeonghan was one of my classmates. I was impressed when I first saw him, his face was the same as now, but his hair were shorter and black."

"Oh my God I cannot imagine!" Swami giggled.

"But he was already pretty as he is right now. I felt ugly near him and girls were jealous of his beauty. He was openly bisexual even though he was only fourteen."

"What a man!"

"Don't say it too early!"

They both giggled.

"After some days I actually started feeling something for him. He was mostly sleeping in class and I used to stare at him, me and my gay ass."

"You stared at him more than you stare at me!"

"Yeah, but I regret it so much. I would never regret staring at you instead."


They giggled again.

"We switched seats, and he happened to be my seatmate. I was gay panicking but he would just greet me and sleep. And he slept a lot. Long story short, we became friends and we used to hang out at each other's place until one day we played truth or dare and it happened that we told each other we liked each other and we also happened to kiss."

"WHOA THERE-" Swami laughed. "You kissed him so early!"

"Yes exactly, but we ended up not getting together. We were not made for each other. He's too evil for me, I could never stand his jokes and I was not as whipped as Seungcheol is. I guess it was just physical attraction."

"Wow." Swami giggled.

"Yeah, we remained friends even though this happened."

"Look, the sun is setting."

"Let's go and see it then."

They smiled at each other and sat in front of the window. The sunset was so beautiful that day, it seemed to match the amount of love between Joshua and Swami. They hugged while watching the sunset and when they looked at each other, they finally had the sweet and lovely kiss they had been dreaming and waiting for.

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