48 - WhAt AboUt ShiP nAmEs?

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"BWO?!?!? YOU TWO GOT TOGETHER TOO?" Jihoon widened his eyes and looked at Hansol and Seungkwan.

The two nodded, looked at each other and smiled.

"I can't believe this." Jihoon shook his head.

"So... are all the couples formed? Is there someone else who has a crush here? Say it now or never." Jeonghan looked around.

"I like a girl, but she never came here." Soonyoung pouted.

"It's ok bro, we'll help you." Seokmin brightly smiled and patted his friend's shoulder.

"Yeah, sure." Soonyoung pouted again. "I have no chances."

"Bruh, Junhui was the one without chances here, and look where we are now." Minghao giggled and looked at the boy next to him, who smiled widely as soon as their eyes met.

"Are you guys sure?"

"OF COURSE!" They said in unison.

"Well... I think it's time we find your ship names." Jihoon giggled.

"Whoa, wasn't expecting this from you." Hansol widened his eyes and then smiled at the boy.

"OK BUT WHAT ABOUT JUNHAO?? LIKE DOESN'T IT SOUND SO POETIC???" Jihoon asked, almost yelling.

"Ok let's not hear Jihoon's ship names." Jeonghan nodded.

"But I put a lot of effort in them!"

"Sure, you where wispering MinWon while you were drunk on the floor last Saturday." Soonyoung blurt out, putting his hands on his sides and looking at the boy.

"Why did you do me dirty like that?" Jihoon pouted.

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