43 - Drunk Night

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After the sunset, everyone went back to the house.

"Ok so who wants beer?"

"I have my wine." Minghao smiled and hugged his little bottle of red wine.

"Ok... so one, two, three, four... ok, coming!" Jiyeong smiled and went to the fridge, where Jeonghan and Seungcheol put the beers a pair of hours before.

"Also the chips! And the popcorns! And the kimbap for Jeonghan!" Hansol said as he passed between the others and handed them a packet of snacks, then gave the cup of rice to Jeonghan.

"I gotta keep my skin fresh, and I gotta stay pretty." He patted both his cheeks.


"Everyone, let's watch a film, I have Netflix!"

"SWAMI SAVIOUR OF OUR SOULS!" Seokmin smiled and was about to hug Swami and pick her up from the ground, but Joshua death-glared at him, so he just raised his hands and went back to his place.

"What should we watch?"


"NO JEONGHAN, FUCK YOU AND YOUR HORROR FILMS!" Seungkwan shouted to him.

"Why, are you scared?" Jeonghan smirked.

"Ok guys, guys!" Swami walked between them since Jeonghan was being himself and Seungkwan was ready to fight. "No horror films... something great like comedy or romance."

"TITANIC!" Seokmin screamed.

"That's too sad." Minghao affirmed.

"LET'S WATCH FRIENDS!" Chan yelled.

"OMG YES!" Jiyeong smiled widely. "See? This is the love of my life!" She pointed at a blushing Chan and left a kiss on his cheek.

"Who wants to watch Friends?"

Everyone raised their hand but Jeonghan.

"No Jeonghan, we are not watching Carrie. I know you want to watch it but no." Swami slightly chuckled.

"Fine then, let's watch Friends."

"AYYYYYYY" Soonyoung threw his hands towards the roof and sat right in front of the television.

Everyone took place on the sofa or on the floor while Swami set up her Netflix and searched for the series, then she sat on the floor between Joshua's legs.


"Everyone is asleep already?" Junhui looked around, everyone was sleeping, Jeonghan and Seungcheol occupied a bedroom and Jihoon was looking outside the window, murmuring something that sounded like a song.

"Seems like it." Minghao whispered, looking around.

"Hey... I want to tell you something."

"Shoot." Minghao nodded.

Junhui held Minghao's hands in his and smiled at him.

"I love you. I probably never said this directly, I've always used flirting and other stupid things to make you see that I liked you."

"Those are not stupid, it's just your behaviour." Minghao smiled, but Junhui shook his head.

"No Minghao. I'm not stupid. I know I act like I am, but believe me, I am not. I don't know why it comes so natural for me to act like a child, and sometimes I hate myself for that. I shouldn't act like that with you, I don't deserve someone like you. You are so mature and down-to-earth, and-"

"Shut up Junhui." Minghao interrupted him, looking into his eyes. "You are fine as you are -fine as hell I would say- but..." he giggled "but you don't need to change for me. I'm not that perfect either, I have a lot of flaws and I lack in pratically everything."

"Don't say that." Junhui pouted.

"No, believe me Junhui!" Minghao tightened the grip on his hands. "You don't need to change for me. You are perfect as you are now, even though you are annoying sometimes, but that's what you are, and I swear to God if you change I will kick you until you go back to Shenzhen!"

They both giggled.

"Minghao, I want you to know that what I feel for you is real. It isn't just me being stupid, I love you for real. I don't only love the image I have of you in my mind, I love you more everytime I get to know you better. This feeling is real, and I'm so happy it doesn't want to change."

"I'm so happy for you Junhui." Minghao smiled weakly. "But I have to say that the subtle feeling I felt is growing. I feel something when I look at you, finally I would say. I can't stop thinking of you, how should I take this?" He giggled as Junhui smiled widely.

"Everyone is sleeping... what time is it?"

"It's almost one."

"Shit, we should go to bed too..." Junhui widened his eyes, then pressed his lips one on the other. "Minghao... can we sleep together? Like, not in that sense, just sleep."

"If you'll hug me like you did two weeks ago, sure." Minghao slightly giggled.

"A baby!" Junhui booped Minghao's nose.

"Nah, you are the baby here."

"No, you are." Junhui pouted.

"Tsk, we'll see." Minghao bit his lower lip.

"Yah!" Junhui whisper-yelled. "Don't bite your lip like that!"

"Take me to bed Junhui, I'm too tired to get up."

Junhui tried not to think dirty, but he did anyway. He bit his lip and shook his head.


"Please." Minghao pouted.

Junhui rolled his eyes and stood up, holding Minghao's hands.

"Come on, get up."

"I'm too tired." Minghao denied with his head.

Junhui rolled his eyes again, crouched in front of the boy and put the younger's arms around his shoulders.

"Hold tight." He whispered as he stood up, grabbing Minghao's thighs and picking him up from the floor.

Minghao layed his cheek on Junhui's shoulder, his hair brushing on the older's neck. He bit his lip feeling Junhui's strong grip on his thighs, hard enough to hurt himself.

"Get off me." Junhui shrugged as soon as they reached the bedroom.

"No, lay me down."

Junhui rolled his eyes again and gently layed the younger on the bed, then silently closed the door and locked themselves in.


"Imagine a drunk Seokmin waking up at 4 am and staring at us two sleeping together."

"You did the right thing." Minghao nodded and giggled. "Come to bed now."

"Stop ordering me around!"

"But you like it." Minghao smiled innocently.

"Somehow, you know me too well." Junhui chuckled and layed next to Minghao.

"Junhui.. one last order."

"What now?"

"Kiss me goodnight."

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