Doctor Appointment

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Aarons POV (Yayy!!)

The doctor just finished with Aph and she talks to me outside in the hallway "So everything seems relatively normal and healthy but.." "But?" "For one her cord is a lot shorter then normal we will have to have a C-Section its not long enough to go through with a normal pregnancy unless it somehow grows which is severely unlikely." I nod "And the reasoning for the small cord is the fetus is growing faster then its supposed to, due to you being an Ultima" "That happened 1 in 3000" "Well it just happened to happen to your wife, the cord usually grows with the fetus and seeing the baby is growing at such a fast rate that is not going to happen" "Well when is it due?" "Assuming we are right about the fetus being at about 2-3 months, about 3 months it seems to be growing 3 times as fast, which is why she could tell so early, why her cravings were sudden and early, and why you could already hear the heartbeat 100% clearly. If her pregnancy was at a normal rate it would be barely 3 weeks in cravings would have started to appear so maybe if she never eats pickles she may eat a pickle here and there" I nod "Anything else?" "Because of the grow rate I would suggest not travelling, it wont harm the baby if you do but it may hurt your wife, a huge thing with pregnancy is adjustment and making sure the carrier can hold the baby.." I nod and wait for her to continue "I don't know if your wife can, she will be stretched really quick and from her last records she barely gave birth to her previous child due to size, I'm sure you know how large babies tend to be in your family Mr. Lycan" I nod and she sighs "I will check her out again in a week we need to watch her closely" I nod and she walks off.

I head in to see Aph a nervous wreck. "Hey" "What'd she say?" I sit down with her and explain to her what the doctor said and she bursts out crying "They want me to get an abortion don't they" "Nononononono she didn't say that and I would never force you on that either, she just said she wants to watch you closely because at any moment something could change" she nods and I hug her as she cries. She feels awful she knew something was wrong and if I'm honest anything that could've went wrong, went wrong. "We will get through it together okay?" she nods in my chest wiping her eyes. "I wanna go home" I nod "Okay" "I'm gonna call mom I wanna talk with her" I nod "That's fine"


I hear the door and Aph is staying upstairs, she doesn't really want me up there, she wants her mom which I don't blame her with everything she heard today. I step outside and her mom looks at me confused "You look like your about to tell me off Aaron I suggest you don't I know she's crying" "I'm very aware she's crying and no I'm not doing that, I'm letting you know what happened so you have some kind of warning?" "Why would I need a warning its my daughter" "Because she told me she was pregnant and felt something was wrong so we went to the doctor" she all of a sudden gets a certain face "The doctor basically told her everything she didn't want to hear" "What was she told?" "Well we don't know how but the baby is growing 3 times the normal rate, causing a short cord, also being followed to needing a C-Section, as well as she possibly cant carry it because of the grow rate" she shakily sighs "Let me see her" I just step aside and she runs inside to see her.

Aphs POV

Mom runs in and hugs me "Oh baby I'm so sorry" I continue crying "He told you didn't he?" she nods "He was trying to make sure I knew what happened because he didn't head "No of course I don't blame him I just don't get why everything is going wrong" she wipes my eyes "Sometimes it happens in life and those times suck ass but it happens and if you believe in her its just Irene's way of showing you how strong you are" she kisses my head grabbing my shaking hands "I need you to try to relax okay?" I nod "You know how miscarriages work right?" I nod "So I need you to relax and breathe so this doesn't get worse and start having even more chances for things to go wrong, you are my daughter, you are strong, you can do this" I nod trying to steady my breathing "Do you want me to stay here with you for the night?" "No Ill be okay I just needed you here for a bit?" she nods "C'mon lets get some food, we can sit on the couch and watch TV?" I nod.

She grabs my hand and takes me downstairs to a very nervous and anxious Aaron. As mom goes to get food I hug him "I'm sorry" "For what?" "I didn't let you upstairs I should've" "Aph I don't care you didn't let me upstairs I was just worried if you were okay I get it you and your mom needed to talk about it, I didn't raise you and I most certainly know nothing about your side of pregnancy" I nod and he kisses my forehead "Ill go see what's going on with Ein and Lilith while you and your mom do your thing for the night okay?" I nod as he heads out and mom and I sit at the Island in the kitchen eating out the house. 



Everything was made up for the certain situations that I want to happen please don't go around like everything I say is 100% true because half of it isn't as the majority of people have most likely realized. 

I still hope you guys are enjoying this story and I'm sorry for how long it takes for each chapter to get out.

I love yall <3


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