Water parks

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Aphmaus POV
It's been forever since I've been out of the house so everyone joined up and is dragging me to the water parks.

Aaron is being especially clingy as well as Lilith
"I swear it's either you guys are obsessed with me or want nothing to do with me"
Aaron scoffs
"Not true"
I give him a look and he hushes
"That's what I thought"

We get over to the water park and since I'm still not the best at swimming I'm carrying cell phones and Lilith. Aaron comes off wet as hell and tries to hug me
"Don't even think about it"
He just stands there and shakes out his hair infront of me and Lilith
He laughs seeing my expression
"That is now funny"
"Is too"
I glare at him as garrote comes back with Dante and Travis as they all fuck around with each other.
"Aph you need to try that one!"
"Ye cmon I'll get Lilith"
"I don't know you guys"
"Cmon Aph"
I look over at Aaron and he shrugs leaving it up to me
"Alright I'll go"
I hand over Lilith to Aaron and the guys follow me up. I see Zane at the top and he gives me a reassuring nod.
I get up to the top and look at the bottom getting dizzy. Garroth helps me sit down since I am still on the sore side from all the bed rest and next thing I know without warning I get shoved down the slide as I scream in protest.

I hit the water and realize I'm above water! I look up and see Zane at the edge waiting for me I swim over there and he helps me up.
"Zane I did it!"
He chuckles
"Yea I'm proud of you! 20 and learning to swim"
I give him a look and he chuckles as I smack his arm
"Cmon I wanna go again"
He follows me up the ladder so I can go down again still laughing about it.


We get home and I'm exhausted Lilith is already asleep so Aaron just puts her in her crib and I get ready to take a shower. I grab some pjs and a towel and set them in the counter. I feel someone wrap there arms behind me and I kind of just melt.
"Aph your exhausted just go to bed"
"But I'm dirty"
"We can wash the sheets tomorrow cmon"
I reluctantly put on pjs and just go to sleep.


I wake up to the sound of Chaos I slowly head downstairs until I hear the conversation and stop.
"This is going to get out!"
"There's no way it will"
"Oh please Aaron it was no secret! Everyone was told!"
"Did you expect her to not see her mother for three months that woman means everything to Aph!"
"I don't care if word gets around this happened people will begin to talk they'll know!"
"Bullshit were known as a legend nothing else there's never been a case of us found out!"
I hear his dad sigh in frustration and I just walk down the stairs while they both look at me .
"I'm sorry did we wake you up?"
"No I've been up"
He nods and his dad leaves pissed off
"So what was that about"
I sit down on the couch as he follows.
"Dads just paranoid is all?"
"Oh nothing just what happened"
"My pregnancy?"
He nods and we both get quiet still not wanting to talk about it.
"Did someone say something?"
He shakes his head
"No as I said he's just paranoid they will"
I nod
"Uhm anyways what do you want for breakfast"
"You act like your gonna cook"
"No I mean like go out"
"Idk what breakfast places they have out here this place tends to be lunch and dinner"
"Well let's go find out"

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