Trust me

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Aphs Pov

I wake up the next morning in alot of pain. I groan and sit up noticing Aaron isnt next to me. Did he even go to bed? I try and get up and realize I cant feel my legs much. I sigh cursing under my breathe. I try and get up again to be leaning on the edge of the bed. I hear the door open an next thing I know someone is helping me. I look over my shoulder and see Zane. "Are you alright?" "Yea I just cant feel my legs" "Where are you trying to go?" "Bathroom" "Do you want me to get Melissa? Or a nurse?" "If you could please?" he sits me down on the bed and goes to get someone a little while later Melissa pops her head in "Look whos awake!" she helps me stand up and takes me to the bathroom letting me do my thing.

She sits me back down on the bed and sits next to me "Girlie you need to shower" "Ive been a little preoccupied" she nods tucking my hair behind my ear "Wheres Aaron?" "In the office" "Has he been there all night?" she nods "He hasnt left" I sigh putting my head on her shoulder "this is all my fault" "How is it your fault you couldnt change what happened" "I mean its my fault that he blames himself he blames that he's an Ultima" she sighs "Yea I know I talked to him" "Whatd he say?" "Hes scared to be around you he doesnt want to hurt you" "He was carrying me and everything yesterday" "Actually that was 2 days ago you've been asleeo awhile, its no surprise you cant feel your legs youve been lying down for like 50 hours" "No one woke me?" she shakes her head "You needed to rest, but yea even carrying you he was scared to death its why hes kept his blindfold on" I sigh "I dont even know how to help him" she shrugs "Neither do I, I really wish I did but we didnt get close till we were older he didnt like me much when we were in highschool" "Yea I know" she stands up "Well lets get you a bath then get you something to eat I bet your starving!"


After I eat I ask Melissa to bring Aaron in. He comes in the room and stands by the door "Come in Aaron dont just stand there awkwardly" he walks a few steps and stays relativly far from the bed. I sigh and attempt to stand up using the bed for support. He watches me staying quiet. I carefully walk over to him and cup his face "Take the bandanna off Aaron" "No Aph-" "I know you dont trust yoursekf but do you trust me?" "Yes" I slip the bandanna off of his face and toss it on my bed. When I look back at him his head his down and his eyes are closed. "Open your eyes" "I dont want to hurt you" "You wont trust me" "I know theyre red Aph they have been since I found you" I rest my head on his shoulder hugging him making sure Im not facing his eyes "Open yor eyes I cant see them" "Aphma-" "Please Aaron just open them trust me, trust yourself" "Okay theyre opened" "And look Im not hurt Im okay" "You can barely walk" "Thats because Ive been sleeping for two days" "Because you miscarried" "Your right I did sleep alot because I miscarried" "You miscarried because Im an Ultima" "I miscarried because it wasnt meant to be wasnt meant to be there will be a time we will have a kid of our own" he sighs "Aphmau listen-" I institinctvly look him in the eyes and he panics "Theyre your normal charcol grey Im fine" he sighs "Listen-" he pauses "What didnt you tell me?" "Itll be a miracle if you ever have another child, itll be miracle for you to even hold one, let alone get through the pregnancy" I feel immediate tears on my cheeks "What are you talking about?! She said I was fine!" "You are fine for what happened, Aphmau the baby destoryed your Uterus" I stand there frozen searching his face looking for some indication he's lying "No-" "Aph-" "Why didnt-" he tucks my hair behind my ear "Why didnt you tell me?!" "I didnt want to hurt you even more" "Didint want to hurt me?! Aaron the only reason Im okay as I am is because Ive had the image in my head that we will have another kid! I cant have children!" I sit there holding onto his arms scared to let go "Im sorry Aphmau Im sorry" he hugs me as I sit there sobbing. I was starting to be okay with the miscarridge because I knew we could always have more and it would be okay but now I have to start over on getting over the miscarrige and now that I cant have children.


I sit in the room alone petting Celeste, If anything I made him feel worse and that was the opposite of what I was trying. I hear the door open and Melissa comes over siiting next to me "Im assuming it didnt go well" I shake my head "Nope It was going fine then he has admitted he had been lying to me about stuff" "Like what?" "It'll be a miracle if I ever even hold a child again" "He never told you that?" I shake my head "No so yea of course I broke down and now he feels worse" she sighs "Im sorry honey".

I shake my head "Its not your fault, I jst really dont understand why this is the way it is"
"Irene has her own plans for everyone I dont know why its this way."

She ends up watching my shows with me and Lilith since I really need the support.

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