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Aphs POV
It's been a month since Aaron left and I'm having a movie night with Melissa on the couch since she's helping me. "Cmon Aph don't tell me that, tell me the juicy details" I laugh "No Melissa you don't get the 'Juicy details'" she groans as I turn on Frozen II. She gets popcorn as I start watching it. "Aph mind helping me? I can't find your popcorn" "Sure" I get up and immediately feel water splash onto the floor "Uhm Melissa?!" "Hm," she starts walking over then stops when she sees the puddle under me, "I think my water just broke" she runs into the kitchen turns off the stove and crap then rushes me into the car. I start calling mom "Mijaaa why are you calling this lateee" "Mom my water just broke" I hear her shuffle "What?!" "My water just broke," I think she's started packing crap "Okay Mija I'll be over in a bit okay? Just hang on a bit" I nod to myself "Yea Ik" I go over to Aaron's contact and message him because I'm not sure he's free "My water broke" I see he reads it then immediately face times me, I answer it "You're being serious?!" I nod as Melissa looks over to see who that was, he starts pacing. "Aaron everything is gonna be fine this thing will go smooth I promise" I start to feel a mix of pressure and pain and try to control my breathing "You can't promise that it's not like your operating on it yourself" "I can-" I pause breathing for a moment "And I will" he sits down "Stay on FaceTime with me the entire thing you got it?" I nod as it all starts to kick in "Melissa-" "five more minutes Aph, I would grab your hand to help you but I'm afraid you'll break it" Aaron laughs obviously still worried "You have your diaper bag right?" I nod "And your own bag?" I nod "Whos gonna be there," I think for a minute trying to breathe as Melissa takes my phone and quickly sets it up in the stand we have "Mom" he nods "Eric probably" he nods "Oh I have to tell nana and Katelynn and gar-" Melissa takes out her phone "I got it  Aph" I nod as we pull into the hospital and they take me to my room
They wouldn't let me keep Aaron on call so I just sit there, eating Jello and trying to breathe. Moms in the room with me cause she's a family member and tries to calm me down. "It'll be alright Mija I promise it will" I nod "I know mom" A couple of doctors come in "Okay Aphmau you need to decide on what we're doing" "Natural" "Aphmau just listen, your baby looks too big for natural-" "I'm doing natural!" I keep my voice steady and sharp, she sighs "At least let us give you pain medicine" I look at mom and she nods "Fine" "We will give them to you in about three hours" but it's already been 25 hours "Okay"
I get kicked out of the little half-asleep daze I had going on when I hear someone enter the room, a nurse she gives me the meds then leaves. I feel my phone buzz and I look at it, it's from Aaron "Where are you at?" "Pretty close like 6cm I think" "Damn, I wish I could be there babe" "I wish you could be too but you have your job, remember your doing all of that for us, your family" "I know" I set my phone down and fall back asleep.
I wake up whining from pain, my mom comes over and rings the red button for the nurses "I think your ready Mija" I shake my head "I'm not, I'm not" "Mija you're ready for this I promise you, you are" I shake my head again as the nurses come in "What happened?" "She's in active labor" Mom pulls up the chair as the doctor gets paged
They give her to me and I hold her admiring her, my mom looks over my shoulder "Oh baby she's beautiful" I nod obviously tired. Mommy takes her from me handing her to the doctor as I fall asleep
I wake up and everything feels sore, I hear talking to my right but feel someone on my left, I look up "Ein" he looks down at me and his eyes look normal, charcoal grey "Hey Aph" "You can see again?" He nods "Ill go get her" he gets up grabs her out of the crib and hands her to me climbing back into the bed next to me "Our daughter is beautiful" I nod, she has black hair, grey streak, darker skin, and when she was born she had golden hazel eyes. I see all the little gifts people brought along with flowers and cards. "So we have our name right?" I nod "Lilith" "Her name is Lilith Amara Ramirez"

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