Bed Rest

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Aphs POV

I wake up the next day in a lot of pain. "Aaron" I see his ear twitch next to me "Aaron" he rolls over "Hmm"  "It got worse" he sits up immidiatly "What do you mean?" "The soreness" "Yea your on bed rest today" "But Lilith your busy today" "Ill get Zane over Im sure he wont mind" "I dont want to bother him" "Aphmau its okay if I need to I can meet with my parents downstairs they need to know about this your getting bad and they know the norms in case a doctor isnt here" I sigh "Okay"


About an hour later Zane is up here sitting on the bed with me while Lilith naps "Scale of 1-10 on pain" "Zane you asked me that 15 minutes ago" "Aaron said check regularly" "5 Im just sore" he nods "So whats Aaron doing" "Telling his parents I was supposed to go with him" he nods "Can you get me food" he nods heading downstairs" I sit on my phone and text Aaron making sure its going okay. I doubt Ill get a response. 

Aarons POV

I sit down on my parents couch and they seem confused "What do you need to talk to us about" "Listen I should have mentioned this sooner but I didnt think at the time it would get this bad" "What are you talking about" "Aphs pregnant" they seem to look at eachother "The doctors told me last time we saw her the baby was definitly an Ultima" "Why didnt you mention this when you first found out?!" "We found out about two weeks ago its the size of 4 or so months its technically only one" "So it has a faster growth rate?" I nod "Is she keeping it?!" I nod "It will try and kill her Aaron!" "Dont you think I know that?!" he sighs and my mom steps out getting emotional "Aaron your mother barely survived with you and you were an easy pregnancy for an Ultima" "Im aware" "How bad is it?" "Shes so sore she can barely move and her body is barely keeping up, she has to eat all the time to try and keep up with it" "Is she aware of all of this?" "In a way I havent told her it down the the detail but she knows It can kill her and or ruin her body" he sighs rubbing his temples "When did the doctor last check her out" "5 days ago" "Next appointment" "Day after tomorrow" "You need to be having her checked everyday I want her either in here with us or us in with you she needs eyes on her on all times" "Thatll drive her crazy" "It doesnt matter its her fucking life Aaron, is she alone?" "No shes with a friend" "Does that friend know about us?!" "What?! No! He knows the details to an extent nothing about Ultimas just whats happening, he doesnt know she could die either" "We're getting her moved over here" I sigh realizing it is the best option "Okay Ill get over to her bring doctors" he nods and goes upstairs to make the phone calls while I leave

Aphs POV

Aaron gets back and basically kicks Zane out "What happened?" "Their moving you into their place to have 24 watch by us and doctors "Aaron Im fine Im just sore" "Aphmau listen to me this baby is an Ultima it can kill you it will try to kill you" I look at him crying "If you want to keep it yo have to do this please" "It cant be that bad your mom survived" "That was an easy pregnancy Aph it wasnt sped up and I was easy and she barely made it, the doctors dont think youll make it through birth unless they find a way to get it controlled in some way" "Fine move me"


Im sitting in the bed of one the guest bedrooms stuck on permanent bed rest. The doctor is checking me out and she just nods and leaves, they dont want to tell me anything to not stress me out. I hear my phone ring and I answer it "Hello?" "Mija where are you Ive been knocking for like 10 minutes" "Im at Aarons place for the night he invited us over for dinner" "Oh thats sweet, when can I see you Mija?" I feel yself start to cry knowing I cant tell her half of this "Soon I promise" "Well I hope so Eric and I are worried about you even the guys came over asking where you were" "Really?" "Mhm Im not sure how because I didnt tell them but they found out your little miracle baby and wanted to see you" "I told Ein he probably blabbed" I groan "Either way imma keep checking in Im worried" "Ill be alright mom I promise" "Okay Mija" "Listen mom Im tired-" "Thats okay I get it Ill talk to you tomorrow Love ya" "Mhm" I hang up the phone and Aaron comes over "So the secrets out" I nod "I dont know how much Ein told I hope it wasnt a lot otherwise theyre gonna have to see me " "I dont see why not as long as they dont stress you out" I nod "If you could call them so they know Im okay Ill visit with them tomorrow Im really tired" he nods "Thats fine get some rest" he turns off the light on his way out and I try to get some sleep.


I wake up Im not sure when with a really sharp pain on my side. A nurse opens the door almost as if she can read my mind. She notices me grabbing my side and she immediatly exits to get something. Aaron enters and sits next to me "What happened?" I look at him and see the circles under his eyes "You havent slept" "You fell asleep a few hours ago we've all been talking but that doesnt matter what happened whats wrong" "I woke up to my side hurting" he groans "Theyre probably getting you stuff for X-Rays" "What is it did my rib break?" "We wont know till that X-Ray gets back dont worry yourself everythings fine" he kisses my forehead just as the nurse enteres kicking him out.


Around 3 hours later of pain since they cant give me pain meds the X-Rays come back. Aaron comes in and sits down "So what was it" "It kicked you and broke three ribs" "Three?!" he nods "One kick?!" "We're not sure how many we just know its due to icking by how they broke" I look at him confused and he shows me the X-rays "If you notice all of the broken bits are in that direction kicked out not in meaning something pushed it out, the only thing that couldve done that wouldve been a baby kick any other injury kicks those broken bones in, front or back" I nod As he runs his hands through his hair "Im sorry aph this is all my fault" "How is it your fault" He just stands up keeping his head down and leaving, his eyes. 

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